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Posts posted by burtbick

  1. Thanks Steve,

    Thanks for the kind words, I've made some significant improvements in the last year, after barely singing or playing guitar for almost 20 years. Life and the day jobs got in the way, but now working hard on getting back in the groove.

    Great points, and I will focus on those issues. Not that it was an excuse, but I did those tracks at the end of a long day and was a bit tired, which didn't help.

    But I know that I have a tendency to "slide" into some notes if I don't focus on it, so I'll work on tightening things up. I have some others that I have been working on where I corrected the "slide up" so I know that I can do it :)

    I'll have some new tracks up along the way in the future.

    Thanks again,


  2. Thanks for the feedback Byron,

    Yes, I was a little "pitchy" on Every Day with you.

    Stuck on you, I actually hadn't gone back to listen to the original, so I'll do that and adjust accordingly. That's the problem with doing a cover song from memory.

    Yes, I'm working on pronouncing. I've actually improved several words/phrases that were causing me issues when I was first getting back into it.

    I've just started working with the Robert's course so that should help speed things up too.

    Thanks again for the valuable feedback.


  3. Hi All,

    I joined TMV some time ago, but have had so many other things going on that I'm only now getting around to put something up for comment.

    I just did the songs in question about an hour ago, after a long day of practice and other tasks around the house, so take them as what they are :)

    I took 20 years off from playing and singing, and have been working my way back since late 2008.

    I used some MIDI sequences along with live guitar for these. Four tracks have some harmonies added with the TC-Helicon Voicelive2 harmonizer.

    Looking for suggestions on things to focus on, observations etc.

    Here's the link, it's a private section of one of my sites for now. Working on a new site specifically for music related stuff, but that is not ready yet.


    You will need Flash to be able to play the tracks.

    Thanks in advance,


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