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Posts posted by djemass

  1. Allo Gerald,

    If I can help you with translations or even with coaching in any way, let me know. I will be there to help you in your journey! I don't know if there is any way I can 'sit in' with your lessons with Robert for example so that if you have any translation problems I could help with the communications?


    Rock on...

    Wow Michele, thank you so much for your help. I let you know



  2. Djemass, I am sure you were nervous singing in front of a camera... That took a lot of guts. Your singing has lots of potential... when you sing loud 3:20 in the song is just yelling pretty much and is not pleasing to my ear; but equally important to keep trying, by using the diaphragm. I see that you are investing in books and CD's; this is awesome to understand the theories. The same people that have written those books can help you even greater by doing a couple online skype training...I recommend this whole heartedly. Your posture is not correct, you are singing almost entirely from your chest and up and the notes sound very tinny because you are not putting your full body into it.

    You can do it and I bet you are going to do very well in the future. As you begin to find your voice I recommend singing in front of people with less strenuous songs; stick to simple melodies. When you rehearse, make sure you work with an instructor to learn how to feel what you are singing from below your belly button, up through your stomach, chest and through your mouth...Repost in a month after you follow those steps; I guarantee you it will be like night and day and you will have a new foundation to continue to build your voice..


    hello Byron,

    Thank you very much for your tips. In fact I am not nervous when I sing, it is just my technique is crappy for the moment, lol.:D I'll work on your tips asap with my vocal teacher. I feel that on some notes, I have to push too much to be able to make the note... My PSB is not good, Placement/Support/Breathing, ie (I have just invented it , hahaha !!). I'd love to take some skype lessons with Robert or jaime vendera, but I am not perfectly fluent, and i am afrais i would not understand 100% of what they'd tell me.:/



  3. Hi,

    I am new here and very impressed by the level of all the members. Congrats !

    I have to tell you, and you will see it in the following link, I am an absolute beginner singer. After almost 20 years of guitar playing, I decided to learn singing 3 monthes ago, because I was fed up by not finding vocalists.

    Anyway, this is my (poor) attempt of Surrounded by DT.


    I wanted to post an iphone video because recording with a good mic + compressor should have masked some technique mistakes. I prefer to be 100% transparent and honest to improve quicker.

    I learn with a teacher and with Vendera's Raise your Voice where i found all the basic technique tips... I work hard but singing is a very long process. I have received today James Lugo's DVD also with which I will work hard for sure.

    I don't like my voice which is too metallic for me (in the bad sense), and I have not begun to see all vocal effects (vibrato, grit, ...) because the best is to get IMHO a good vocal technique before adding after effects.

    Thanks for your help. DOn't hesitate to criticize me, because all what you will say will help me to improve my skills.

    Humbly yours


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