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Posts posted by jlewmdob

  1. Let me know what you think. Just finished our demo last week. We're a cover band out of Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky just getting started. Any and all feedback would be appreciated. There's 10 full songs now, we are planning on cutting and pasting for the demo but left the full songs on our website. We do a mix of classic, 80's, hair metal, and more current danceable stuff. Hell we learned a Lady Gaga and Katy Perry song cause that's what the people want. We started out doing hard rock like AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Zeppelin, and Audioslave but people kept requesting dance music. Oh well....there's always band practice for rockin:)


    Thanks, Josh.

  2. Thanks ronws...I've been trying to listen to your uploaded tunes, but my internet is down at the house and Youtube is a restricted site here at work. We should have our internet back on at home tonight so I'll give it a listen. Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated. I'm mostly self taught, minus a few lessons and have always sang from feeling. I've recently started taking a weekly lesson to learn how to take "weight" off my voice and I'm continually working on breath control. As far as the mix is concerned, we just put something together and plan on going into a studio to record a better demo once we start gigging and have some extra dough. We've put all of our funds so far into P.A. and it's getting expensive and the wife won't let my buy anything else. Ha Ha

  3. Hello all...

    I've loaded up a few tunes at www.myspace.com/jlewmdobmusic so you can get a better idea of what my voice sounds like recorded vs live. There are two original tunes from my last band and a cover of Whole Lotta Rosie that my new cover band put together a few days ago. The cover was one take, with no vocal effects. Just a quick recording. The original tunes were unfinished demos, but they're all I've got. Thanks for listening, Josh.

  4. Thanks ronws. As I remember, we were the opening band of four that night and got the shaft with the pa. I was cupping my ear most of the set so I could hear myself, watching the "sound tech" down beers and chat with members of the "headlining" band. You're right on about the guitar. He plays loud and proud. I'll work on getting something else up soon. I only have an old 4 track analog recorder at home so I'll see what I can come up with.

  5. Please be gentle:) Please check my singing out at www.myspace.com/1350rocks This was an original project that I was in. The recordings are about a year old and I have since moved on to singing covers. I've recently began taking lessons as I had only one prior lesson and read a few books on voice. The audio and video are both live recordings. My personal opinion was that I was pitchy here and there. I am my own worst critic, which I've found to be quite common amongst us vocalists. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks for your time, Josh.

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