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Posts posted by Wooferine

  1. i'm no expert by any means, i've had no formal training in singing, though i like to think i can hold my own. Here's my two cents. I don't know how long you have been a passionate singer, though its obvious you are. I'm 33 and have been singing since i could talk. I started as a vocal mimic and drowned my own voice in others for the better part of 25 years. Broke free and i've been developing MY voice since. NOW. to begin i haven't heard any vibratto in Mad World. Some vocalists can do it, some cannot, Some can and don't do it, Some do it but want to stop and can't. I can do both and enjoy the versatility it provides. Its the difference between Sade, and Madonna. Fewer vocalists go the way of less to no vibratto. Its kinda the media WHORE right now. I Note none in Mad World. is this by choice? if not is it something you aspire to cuz its soooo within your reach. you have awesome tone and i happen to think the rasp you hear may be the ghost calling to the past of its own birth. I think you should embrace rasp as a technique. Damn right alot of us would kill for it, though again i don't really heart it here. I can't help but think you might be surprised. Best advice i can give to vibratto....................... fake it first. It will naturally follow. (but again its not REALLY FAKE is it. Just another techniquel.) lookin for hallelujah by you in here. Its bound to be great. Thanks for visiting my pages.

    BTW. KEEP SINGING MY BRETHA. You got the shine!

    ummmm bummer. It appears i have to join for an upgrade to hear hallelujah. would Really like to hear it.

  2. Ya know Ron, I think you might be right or at least onto something. I have had a couple compadres tell me similar "there's just something about the harmony" statements. Neither could put their finger on it. But thank you sir! Thanks for listening again Ron, and lending your ear. I might have to re-record the lead vocals which i've used the same both recordings, but i think i can synch up the vibrattos. I cannot record till morning because my neighbors are old and keep complaining to management. (my voice "carries")lol. Im gonna give it another shot and see what i can do. Thanks again for the compliments as well.


  3. From what i understand, which is not vast, the site that i recorded this track on Adds some slight reverb, and a little compression. There are lots of folks that have mixers and further equipment on the back end. Its just me and my mic. So any slight pitch issues are definately mine. LOL. Just trying to work out the kinks. I feel a little out of place here, as i have never had a formal music lesson, don't read music, and am not familiar with 90 percent of the terms that are used here. But the only stupid question is the one never asked. SOOO, when you say quarter or half step, what does that mean. BTW. thank you sooo much for the listen and critique. I listened to your youtube recording of Gethsemane. I loved the metal scream(which i'm sure has an italian sounding name here, lol) I can honestly say, YOU KNOW YOUR PITCH! Thanks again my friend.


  4. I know how criticism feels. So, like I do with crews that I am in charge of, I prefer to reinforce the good stuff when I see it.

    Your best sound on a first listen was "Inside Out" by Eve 6. Especially the first half of the song. I think you got to excited and went off pitch later because you were so into it and missed the tonal cues of the backing track. It's happened to me a few times. Usually, I go sharp when I can't hear the music and I'm caught up in the lyric and melody.

    Yeah, upon second listen, i caught that pitch flat, AND, i think your explanation is exactly what happened. Great ear ya got there. I don't know if it was intentional but I LOVE the proverb. WOOF!

  5. Hi,

    Jens has some good advice. I would add that you have a nice tone and it is unique. There are some pitch issues and I would recommend taking some lessons in foundational techniques. In your second set of examples it sounds (to me) a bit throaty and like you're pushing to get to the notes. How does it feel? Good luck!


    I appreciate the suggestion. As a vocalist having recieved NO formal trainging, Foundational techniques and songmapping are both unfamiliar to me, but with the help of Google i think i should be able to figure it out. Where might i find some samples of your work Michele? Thanks


  6. I liked the first track you put up the best, both the song and how your vocals turned out there where some pitch issue here and there but I think you will sort it out.

    You throw in alot of wails in the song wich is nice and I think suits the song but it's almost exclusivly then you get abit pitchy, a tip you can do is songmap(take out what notes you sing) your wails and train the seperatly with a piano so you are 100% sure your hitting the keys.

    This is a great way to really nail those wails because you work it into the musclememory and the voice will be adjusted to the very fast pitchchanges and not throw you slighly off. :D

    You got a radiofriendly voice wich is easy to listen to keep it up :P

    Yepp im a vocalist, i was just in the studio recording a demo for my band so il probably post that when we get the mixes done.

    Thanks sooo much for the advice. I think i'll give songmapping a shot. Can't wait to hear your stuff bro.


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