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Posts posted by khjavy8

  1. Hello, My name is Kelly, and I have been playing guitar and singing for about 19 years now with no real "training" on either...except for being lucky to have met really talented people along the way and picked up what I could when I could. Recently, I have been told by multiple people that...not that I have a bad vocal, but that they think there is another whole level they think I am capable of but that I just do not know how to get to it vocally. Now I know for a fact one of those people meant range like notes I can hit, but not sure if they meant tone as well. Anyways I was referred here by a very much trusted friend and thought I would give it a shot, so any pointers, criticisms, suggestions, help in the right direction I can get I will welcome gladly and thanks in advance for those of you who take the time to listen. I appreciate it :) My youtube page is in my signature down there and has all my stuff there and here is a link to a song directly that is one of my most recent originals that I wrote for my youngest son. Thanks again!

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