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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. Ronws,

    Thank you for the kind words. I agree the light-medium sound suits me better and I think gives me far more versatility. It is definitely where my voice sounds best as I apparently am a tenor. All these years I thought I was a baritone, but apparently not... To be honest, I'm glad to be a tenor instead. Now I just need to make the notes more on pitch and more stable.

    'She Said' would have had far better guitar playing if I had had a capo instead of barring with my first finger and using the rest to play chords (which made my hands ache a lot). I purchased a capo today in fact, and may update the clip... maybe. :)

    What you said about singing better whilst playing guitar is quite interesting. Are you sure it is because your hands have to be doing something or is it because you feel more in control of the music altogether and have a bit more choice. I find that when it's just me playing guitar and singing I feel like I have more options as opposed to when I'm working with a band. I guess this is because I can control the timing and dynamics far better alone. I'm guessing you've played guitar a lot more than I have though, so maybe it is just the need to keep your hands busy.

    I'm actually not sure where the point was that I started playing guitar and singing in unison. There was a time where if I was playing guitar, the second I open my mouth my entire playing would fall apart. I don't think I could ever pull off complex riffs whilst playing. That is a skill I'm truly envious of.

  2. ... No idea, but separately these ingredients kinda work. In advance, apologies for poor recording quality on all of these.

    Plan B - She Said:

    This dude is massively popular in the UK at the moment and just won a 'Brit' Award (which is sort of like a watered down Grammy). I wasn't into him at all until I saw his performance on the show and realised he wasn't just a rapper who tried to sing; this guy could sing really well.

    I like his high and light configuration. Then when someone told me "Hey, your last name is the same as his real last name... Are you related?" I had to try it. Let me know how you think I did:


    (As far as I'm aware we aren't relatives btw)

    Third Eye Blind - Jumper:

    Just a good song that I heard in the film 'Yes Man'. "Icing over PE-CRET pain" I dunno why I did that, lol: http://www.box.net/shared/4j5ldc55bx

    Bye Bye Bye - N'Sync:

    I heard this at a night out at this 90's club recently and thought it'd be fun to try doing just on my guitar. I mess up the guitar a bunch, forgive me:


    I'm interested in what you guys think of these recordings. They are all very short samples, around 1 minute and a half each.

    No holding back as always.


    ...Then you are dilusional, but I'd love to hear from you anyway :)



  3. Some insightful stuff there Ronws :) Nice to know someone else on here in the same boat (though I assume, in some ways, we all feel like that)

    Although I always prefer when someone is honest with me instead of sugar coating things with niceness and social etiquette, as that can only halt progress.

    I've tried learning songs note for note, in order to stay on pitch, but it doesn't help.

    I've tried singing into tuners, but am always at least 20cents +/-, have no idea how to make it more stable (I saw a post recently where Steven F. said to be around 4cents +/-). I've no idea how to get it better. Also, I'm not sure exactly how that would translate into actual singing to be honest, unless you sing with a tuner there and ensure you are always hitting the right notes, providing the tuner could even keep up.

  4. Ronws: Thank you. For some reason the second stanza is just somehow easier to sing also. Isn't that weird? I'm not sure what is different. I didn't realise I had my own style lol, maybe it's my poor ability shining through and manifesting itself in some way. I dunno, anyway there were some pitching issues all over the place. I've really no idea how to change that. Any advice? I cannot hear it whilst I'm singing.

    Analog: It's for this university course in vocals at a place in London called Tech Music. I dunno if I'll get in :/

    Even if I do, I want to be really good before I go there, as it is mostly about networking.

  5. Alright. So I've been working with Rob Lunte. It's coming along, I can bridge and stuff now. It's just transitioning all of this into actual songs.

    I have a real important audition coming up at the beginning of February which I'm incredibly worried about. I wanted to upload stuff so you can all offer advice.

    I recorded this just with my webcam mic and windows sound (ahhhh, good old windows sound). No cuts, no editing, nothing (I need to learn these skills)

    Belief - John Mayer


    Dream On - Aerosmith


    Isn't she lovely - Stevie Wonder


    I have to do this song for the audition and this recording is the first ever try I've had of any section of the song (except maybe for drunkenly shouting 'ISN'T SHE LARVELIE' on a drunken saturday night. Barely know the lyrics and I think it is obvious I am reading them along and stuff. Needs to be worked on.

    Be BRUTALLY honest. I need it now more than ever.

  6. That must take a hell of a lot of work! But in the end I guess it is worth it.

    It sort of makes my recording capabilities (Windows Sound and a live (not studio) microphone) look primal, at best.

    I'm kinda glad to hear you say that though. Often I'll listen back to my own recordings and think "I liked that bit". Then re-record "I didn't do that bit so well this time. But wow, listen to that bit!". So in a way, it gives me hope to know that that is what they do :)

  7. Thank you for your compliment Ronws. Kinda messed up 'big guns' a lot looking back on it. I need to listen and practice that more.

    I kinda try and sound breathy. Sort of like a Miljenko thing on the song 'We all die young' from the Rockstar film. Do you think I should try eliminating it from my voice?

    I'm not sure what I'd define that bit as. It was potentially 'reinforced flasetto'. It didn't feel the same as my usual headvoice.

    I'm very glad you liked it. Sorry about sucky recording quality. Anyone know any good software for recording voice on a budget?

  8. Hey Guys,

    I haven't uploaded any clips of me in a while. Been working with Robert Lunte and Steven F so far and have definitely conquered my bridging issues. Now I just have to work on the actual singing of songs.

    I wanted to post some stuff here so here they are. All recorded a cappella (due to my poor software capabilities).

    1) (*auto edit*) you - Cee Lo Green: http://www.box.net/shared/7ypj2jmbu4

    This is so popular right now so I thought I'd give it a go. It's a seriously cool song.

    2) Big Guns - Skid Row: http://www.box.net/shared/1buz23xtvr

    I seriously messed up the first line as I wasn't really ready. Was unusual doing this song without my mic + amp. Might have screwed it up a bit.

    3) Whole Lotta Love - Led Zep: http://www.box.net/shared/ln4fg4i5kx

    Old favourite.

    Recorded on windows sound recorder (I seriously need to buy better software soon). As always be honest and harsh and stuff.

  9. This video changed my whole 5 minutes :)

    In terms of songwriting, it can be a great help to start with this typical 4 chord progression. Whether you keep that progression in the final song is personal choice> But it can be an excellent platform to begin with, especially when writing in new keys for the first time or coming up with lyrics (I'm somebody who writes lyrics easier when there is a melody to sing too).

  10. Was talking on msn with my friend Byron who just got back from touring (he is a bass player). We were discussing how many songs follow a typical 4 chord pattern of I - V - Vi - IV and I said I could probably apply that progression to any song "even psychosocial".

    "Do it!" He replied. "Right now on your keyboard!"

    So I did:


    I completely ruined the heaviness of this song. This was purely a joke, but I thought I'd go ahead and upload it. It actually makes me laugh a bit! =]

    Enjoy ;)

  11. Thanks for the kind words guys. I did do the song a cappella as I didn't take the time to find a backing track and it was only recorded on windows sound recorder anyway, which always kind of sucks.

    I thought it suited me more, which is great because he had a brilliant voice. But it does feel a bit like a limitation, meaning that I may not be able to do great renditions of some stuff (e.g. Shaun Morgan from Seether or Caleb Followill from Kings of Leon, who both have massive voices) but at least now I know what I'm working with. If nothing else, I can make interesting MJ-ish sounding versions of these songs.

    However, many of his songs are too far out of my range at the moment. Or at least out of what I would call my 'singable' range. I have all his notes, but they don't all sound great. You mentioned Dirty Diana, which is my favourite of everything he recorded. When he is really up there in his high range in the pre-chorus and chorus, I cannot do that so well. I think it probably has somthing to do with my vowels still.

    Anyway; I'll have a go at more of his material and then maybe see if I can transition that sound to rock stuff. Since putting on a heavier/'manlier' voice for songs doesn't work for me, I can hopefully find a way to run these two ideas together.

    I shall have to give m

  12. Still trying to find my voice. Just tried a bunch of songs and found this incredibly fun. When I listened back to a bunch of recordings I figured I unfortunately don't have a real deep manly type voice. Maybe I just don't know how to produce this, but it doesn't happen naturally for me. So I thought I'd try some soft/lighter stuff.

    I don't know if this is any good. So I'll ask you guys once again :)

    As always, be ridiculously harsh, as you would if you were listening to your own voice. What sort of stuff should I work on? I know my vowels still aren't great...




  13. I'm not completely sure what I want to achieve. A good voice, whatever the cost. I'm not sure, whatever would be cool. Maybe something like Miko Matijevic meets Josey Scott with a little Freddie M and R Halford thrown in for good measure. Otherwise, I have no idea what would sound good with my voice. Sorry to have a useless response.

  14. So I finally have my own laptop back. Yay!

    I recorded 2 clips... They are both very short and pretty awful.

    Knockin on heavens door (excuse my awful guitar playing in this one)


    and War Pigs


    Be absolutely honest, should I stop trying right now?

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