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Posts posted by Rawg71

  1. Hey Akarawd...again...I will reinforce the fact you are kicking serious ass here. I am hearing the strain before your break around 2:00 and above on #4. It is important to remember when you hear these type songs done by the original singers live...it is usually old hat to them... literally they are singing the song for the high hundreds or 1000th+ time. If I was a qualified teacher....I could point you in the direction of a certain exercise...but to me....the song is the best exercise. Again...you are doing an insane job...I would also like to hear a mix of you pushed back a bit into the mix of the music more. It easy to hear moments that wouldn't normally be noticed in a regular mix. You rock man \m/

  2. Hey akarawd, Now that I re read what I wrote I can see the thought of rev/delay in it...haha...with that said....I guess it applies to it all. On #4...I love the arrangement ..and like I said before you are kicking some serious arse being up here taking on this range. So here is my thought. Build solid foundation with the song in the way it is most comfortable for you. Aim for comfort with note strength and the proper articulation of the lyrics 1st. With this comfort..the ability to play with the distortions and rattle will come. Kinda hard for me to explain it...but for me...when I know I have owned a certain song...and can nail it completely comfortably...then I find myself adding to it and coloring it with effect. In this range even more so....because pushing for an effect can sound forced and lead to a vocal "blowout" so to speak if you aren't coming from a comfortable place to address it. I know you can recognize when a singer is or isn't in his or her comfort zone. Keep up the killer work man....looking forward to hearing more.:)

  3. Awesome tiger to grab by the tail akarawd!You are kicking ass!! I agree with ronws on the clean stuff for this example for sure. I am by no means a vocal expert or a teacher in any way. I did belt out Priest tunes in my younger stage days and understand how you are dancing on the edge of what works and what doesn't with this. In my mind ..I would try to think of the effects as icing on something already able to deliver on its own. I always found it more times than not...a bad idea to sing to effects (because in live situations-things happen and you may not have that effect the way you want it when you need it)

    On that basis alone I approach the way I chose to flavor what I do for an end product. The vocal part 1st. The effects secondary.


  4. Wow... thank you for the compliments all. The whole songs aren't finished yet...we have more scratches that need to be finished before the mastering money gets spent...will update when that time comes. As far as vocal chain goes...I am a huge fan of wave plugins. Starting from 1st to last.

    Gate: classic setting

    de-ess: Male ess

    comp: classic comp

    BBE sonic maximizer plugin

    and Lexicon pantheon reverb

    I used an MXL 990 (cause I is po..lol)

    mixed down in Sonar 7PE

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