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Posts posted by eleet

  1. Thanks for the feedback all! I agree with using your "natural voice" more then trying to imitate other singer's but to tell you the truth in the clip I'm not trying to sound like him thats just what seems to come out when I'm singing anything, I thought I would see if other people thought I sounded like him or not. More specifically if any of you technique experts out there could give me some exercises or tell me what I could try to get into that high register (G-D)with more ease that would be great, again Thank You!

  2. You sing the verses fairly well but you need to open up more and sing the "bA-bAy" vowels a bit like like an "ah" to get more fuller and warmer sound. Hum and lip-buzz (some cal this a lip-bubble) over your passagio with scales and arpeggio's and that will help from cracking at the top and will give you more control. The key to higher range control is arpeggio's, do them on all vowel's at different volume levels but make sure you dont have any feeling in the throat of tension (your voice will naturally become stronger over time with good technique). After a few month's of doing that every day you will notice a less nasally tone and better control over your passagio but keep in mind everything takes time. All in all a not bad cover but the chorus is tough to sing and singing it over and over again with the wrong technique will give you nothing but stress and frustration, it''s better to spend time doing the exercises then going back to the song, but keep at it man!

  3. I wouldn't say this is a rock/metal forum but when you talk about mixed voice you are talking about higher range stuff that uses a lot of head voice. Unless you are a baritone or a bass you shouldn't have to use head voice until about an "F" or F#", singing simply takes time don't listen to the people who say you don't need years of practice and training because they themselves have usually put in year's of time into their voice. Just keep singing and work on freeing your voice of tension and bad habits (we ALL fight with our voices;)).

  4. It's not bad man but with a song that low the only time you would use mixed voice is in the "F" on "song" and the "G" on "let her into your heart". On both of those notes you seemed to scoop the note from the bottom and they sounded a bit strained so I would assume that you're still pulling up chest voice. My advice to you is to approach pitches mentally from the top own rather then the bottom up to eliminate the slide. Use arpeggio's and leaps to improve your full voice range, this works because by the time you know you've hit the note you're already off it so it usually cuts down on tension. Things like this take a lot of time and voice lessons from a qualified coach are always worth it, keep at it man!:)

  5. Thank you both for your comments! I didn't really rehearse the song except for running through the song a few times on my own before recording. I think because I was unsure of the timing and lyrics for a few of the lines that that had contributed to some of the pitch problems. The low stuff is a bit hard for me to do because (I believe) I spend a lot of my time doing exercises geared towards extending my higher range but I'll start doing low exercises to in order to get my low end back in shape! Again thanks for you time and thoughts guy's!

  6. Hey Olem,

    First off AC/DC is incredibly hard to pull off and brian johnson has a hard time staying 100% on pitch live. Try singing the song softly with NO rasp just to make sure you're singing the right pitches, a lot of notes we're not correct and perhaps some ear training is needed to really hear the notes. Sit at a keyboard or guitar (if you play either of them) and play the notes a lot and try to sing softly to it just to get a clear idea of what the notes are. After you have that then work on building up you head voice and falsetto without using tension to get the notes out! 1)do a lot of vocal slides and arpeggios using different vowels with no rasp and just try to get a consistent sound on pitch 2) do a lot of breath exercises to make sure your breathing is consistent. Next time also record yourself without the original voice to get a much better Idea of where you are vocally. I think with enough training you could pull this stuff off but you need to be able to sing well with out any rasp before you can add it. Also rasp is best when it's produced from the nasal passage not the throat in my opinion so while I cant hear exactly what you're doing I just want to make you aware of that.

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