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Posts posted by Stan

  1. Я слушал ваши другие песни. Честно говоря, я думаю, что вы поете лучше на русском языке, кроме английского. Вы звучать более уверенно. У вас есть прекрасная голос. Кстати, я тоже русский. :D

  2. Guys, I appreciate your comments A TON! Thank you for your time! I'm glad you guys see potential in me, that makes me feel really confident. Jonpall, thanks for slapping me, lol. I say what I say because...well, how can you be on the same level as Cornell and Russell?!! You can't!! It just can't happen! I'm still having a hard time singing their songs. But I'll make it, I know it.

    Thanks jonpall and the rest of you for listening, means a lot to me to hear your thoughts.

  3. Hey guys, I wanted to share two more clips with you all. Just like the Queensryche song, this was done 2 years ago in one take, no warm-ups. I had no idea what I was doing, I still don't know what I was doing as I listen to these :) But these are songs I did originally by Soundgarden and Symphony X. Cornell and Russell Allen are one of my top favorite vocalists ever, and it's really difficult to pull their stuff off, and I can tell ya, I've failed at it, haha. But I wanted to see what you guys think. I really appreciate your time listening to this and am thankful for any comments and criticism :). Thanks...and try not to cringe, ha.

    "Jesus Christ Pose" http://www.box.net/shared/bxm4dii3yu

    "Wicked" http://www.box.net/shared/zqycj59flq

  4. It's hard to sing a song originally sung by a God. I can't blame this guy. Olem, it was a good attempt... but it lacked power, emotion, and convincing. The chorus was out of tune, and seems to be really difficult to pull off...as you're cracking at that point. Just like Snax says, you do have a good tone, but you need to work on supporting and STOP pulling chest! Just keep training the voice, and you'll nail it in no time!

  5. Hey Stan, are you warming up your voice before you sing? And how many vocal takes did you do in one sitting to get this recording? Your voice sounds kind of tired. I could be wrong, but it sounds as though if you were fresh (and freshly warmed up), you would have much better clarity and the 'believe' you guys are talking about would be easier to hit. In any case, I know I tend to get raspier if I don't warm up (...although I somewhat intend to have some edge to my singing voice, and I only recently started getting into the habit of warming up). I imagine you have a relatively lower speaking voice, and it could be you may be forcing this song as its in a higher range than is natural for you?

    A good indicator of how much air you're using when you sing is how much air sort of 'spills' out when you sing the letter 'C' like the 'kuh' of 'come in' or 'camera'. try quickly easing from those abrubt consonants into the following vowel by slightly relaxing your diaphram for a split second to reduce the amount of air being pushed out, and then push the air out again (it's a very quick maneuver) as you roll into your vowel. Another way to say it is ease up on hard consonants, while still making sure you enunciate well. One more trick that I do sometimes is try to roll the 'kuh' along my palette.

    Cheers, buddy and great singing!

    Nah, I didn't warm-up when I sang that. Actually, to be honest with you, it was 2 years ago when I recorded this so I can't really remember but it took me only one take to do this. This song is actually quite fine for my range, I could do it a whole lot better now... I just didn't have any technique when I sang that, I knew nothing about breathing and support.

    Thanks for listening, bro!

  6. Thanks for the comments, guys!

    akarawd: Thanks. Truth is, I don't know what I'm doing at all, lol. What is creaking?... The way I usually approach singing is that I would listen to the original singer and then try to replicate that same "spirit" rather than tone... all the rasp comes out naturally and I'm not sure what I'm doing, it just simply happens. The only thing I would do, as far as I am consciously aware of, is I would support my voice by pushing down and that's about it. The "believe" was kinda hard for me, I think I have a bad habit of pushing too much air.

    jonpall: Thanks, man. I tried putting my hand in front of my mouth, and I feel hot air...but then when I increase the breath pressure but pushing down, it turns into wind. Breath pressure = bad? lol.

  7. Sounds really great Stan - it's a fun song to sing, isn't it ? I wanted to ask what you meant by "dry" ; was there any slight burning sensation at all and did it affect the rest of your singing voice ?

    As Michelle said, when you sing it totally clean, do you get the same ? Also, would like to let us all know how you approach that part of the voice ?

    Well done man,


    PS. There's a "high notes' thread were your opinion would certainly be useful to many people.

    Thanks guys!

    It wasn't a burning sensation, but I felt like I couldn't hit high notes anymore. When I was trying to do the A5, I had rasp coming out... so I was pretty much screwed at that point, ha.

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