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Posts posted by dannybullis

  1. very nice man! Good enunciation and the inflection fit the style. I'm diggin your vocals. Good job on the guitar too, i'm also a singer/guitarist, so I know how tricky it can be to learn to play arpeggios or tricky riffs while singing (check out Shawn McDonald - Gravity...a song I did a cover of). Props.

    Some critiques and additional comments to what row & chele said...First off, I'm hearing a tendency to hit the notes right (pitch and enunciation) in the beginning and middle, but at the end is where you falter the most. It's just as important how you come out of the notes (like if you sing a word and then rest for a couple beats or a measure). Relisten to the endings of a section (right before a rest), and some of them sound a little shaky, some falter. Follow through. Also, I heard some portions where your vocal runs were a little sloppy, so try to tighten them up or discard them (unless they're part of the cover)...I dunno, my drummer tells me I do vocal runs too much, and I feel that he may be right, sometimes I do overuse them (or just straight up abuse them haha).

    As for the high notes, I think you're just being humble :cool:. They sounded pretty good. The falsetto added a nice touch.

    As for what chele is saying, for techniques/styles like belting, singing NOT how you speak is important, because if you're screwing your voice up by trying to sing "NEED!" with the hard E vowel, you could resort to "N-AY-D", which is what they do a lot of times in Punk and hardcore and stuff. Stylistic preference for sure. Another trick I do is if i'm singing a hard "A" like "RACE", (the vowel "A", you'll notice when you sing it, many times comes out as "AAEE", with the hard A turning into a hard E somewhere in there). When we (I) get sloppy, I notice I short my hard "A" which is easier on the vox than a hard "E" esp. at higher pitches, so I hold off on throwing the E sound of the A until the last possible moment. If that makes any sense AT ALL. In other words, chele, i know what you're sayin. :D

    Cheers brotha, and keep kickin A

  2. Finally, one last short piece that's currently under construction (the end result won't be acoustic, although we'll most likely have an acoustic version), but it was written with the acoustic guitar the day I recorded it...HA! 3 cheers for inspiration. Gotta love it. Anyway, Thanks in advance for giving this one a listen...i'm assuming you did if you made it down this far in my Posts :cool:

    As usual, thank you very much for your time to give me your ear and your thoughts. Looking forward to what you have to say!!




  3. Here's another one of the band from 2008. The band and I are currently in the process of revamping, restructuring, and re-recording this song, as we had a year apart and had gone through some changes within the band. In any case, it's a little outdated. Considering it's in the here-and-now, I'm having to lay down new vocal tracks for this song and would seriously appreciate some critiques, or even just a nod that i'm heading in the right direction? THANKS

    & Rock on :cool:

    *To get the best quality, either use headphones with good low-end or with a sub. sounds funny with laptop speakers...


  4. hey everyone...

    It's been a couple years since I've done any live singing (for a large audience). Since the band and I are gearing up to start gigging in Seattle in a few months, I wanna make sure I'm ready...I'd love some tips, critiques, oohs, aahs, or just plain hateful criticism. I guarantee it'll be MUCH appreciated :cool:

    Cheers, and enjoy

    BTW...sometimes i forget I made this recording to show the band (you'll notice it's just me and my guitar)...hence the speaking before the song :rolleyes:


  5. Hey Stan, are you warming up your voice before you sing? And how many vocal takes did you do in one sitting to get this recording? Your voice sounds kind of tired. I could be wrong, but it sounds as though if you were fresh (and freshly warmed up), you would have much better clarity and the 'believe' you guys are talking about would be easier to hit. In any case, I know I tend to get raspier if I don't warm up (...although I somewhat intend to have some edge to my singing voice, and I only recently started getting into the habit of warming up). I imagine you have a relatively lower speaking voice, and it could be you may be forcing this song as its in a higher range than is natural for you?

    A good indicator of how much air you're using when you sing is how much air sort of 'spills' out when you sing the letter 'C' like the 'kuh' of 'come in' or 'camera'. try quickly easing from those abrubt consonants into the following vowel by slightly relaxing your diaphram for a split second to reduce the amount of air being pushed out, and then push the air out again (it's a very quick maneuver) as you roll into your vowel. Another way to say it is ease up on hard consonants, while still making sure you enunciate well. One more trick that I do sometimes is try to roll the 'kuh' along my palette.

    Cheers, buddy and great singing!

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