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Posts posted by JimmyVanZeno

  1. Thanks ronws! Yeah that song was a real hard one to get right, its by far the hardest song vocally for me to sing because its kind of sitting at the same power and pitch level for the full song, so I get about half way through it and I start to get a little tired, so the middle part is a godsend because I can sit back and relax for a min or so before I have to come back in and sing to the end...originally I hated it because it was so hard to sing, and I was really stressed going into the studio as to how I was going to nail the song, but I finally did, and im really happy with the way its turned out...

    Its amazing actually...you think you have something that you "cant" do vocally...then you work your ass off to prove to yourself that you can do it, then, once you have done it and youre happy, all of a sudden your confidence increases and it ends up being much easier after that....I guess its the same with most things in life, let alone singing. I love singing that song now.

  2. Hey all

    Ive just uploaded a new track from my Bands album which is coming out on March 25. Would love to hear some feedback regarding the song and my vocals....this song we decided to completely re write the Vocal melody in the Studio. I spent 8 hours and over 300 takes on getting this to my satisfaction vocally. Without doubt the hardest days Singing work I have ever done in my life. The good thing was, I loved every single seccond of it :D

    Anyway, here it is. Its also up on our Reverbnation page as a FREE download, so you can have it if you want it! The Reverbnation page is here:


    Or ive posted the song here as well:



  3. Hi Janet

    Im of the same opinion of the posters above. Can hear alot of potential in your voice, theres some good tone going on there. Have you been singing very long? Im certainly no Vocal coach and have only had very few lessons myself, partly out of laziness, partly out of $$$$s and lack of them...but I think what you need to concentrate on right now is your breathing and a good vocal coach should be able to get you in the right direction there. Once you get your breathing happening (and it wont take long if you are focused and practice every day using the right techniques) then its a case of practice practice practice - without overdoing it of course...every day....build your vocal strength up and never stop challenging yourself.

    5 or 6 Lessons concentrating on Breathing techniques would really have you on the right track. There's certainly alot of potential there. Keep it up!

  4. Man this is one of my favorite songs of all time. Ann Wilson...incredible voice.

    Ive never tried to sing it, and wouldnt even bother, I just hear it and think "no way"....This is a great effort Snax, because I can only imagine how difficult this is to sing and really nail. And you nailed it brother. I was waiting for the big scream at that 2min mark and when it came in I was like....YEAH MAN!!! :D

    I also hear a bit of Michael Kiske in your voice Snax, you a fan of him?

    Great work once again. Id actually love to hear you keep practicing this song for a couple of months and then come back and record it again and see the difference between this version and the other...I think you would have it 100% spot on with a bit of practice and getting yourself used to those high notes you mentioned earlier.

    Then, id send it to Ann and Nancy. Because I think they'd be blown away. Well done.

  5. I agree with Mike. Definitely an Axl Rose timbre, at least at the low end, similar to how he sang on "It's So Easy." Interesting time sig shifts. The falsetto does provide an interesting juxtaposition of vocal texture.

    I saw the video of the other song. That was cool, too. Excellent stage manner. You've got everything I don't have. A band, gigs, an Axl Rose voice. There's not much I can think of to help you.

    Thanks mate. That was the last song of the set and yeah I was spent by that stage, couldn't hit the high notes at all. Been looking into speech level singing to try to help with vocal fatigue but no idea how you incorporate Sls into rock singing haha! I'll work it out eventually... Maybe I just need to get fitter?

  6. I'm just listening to the demo song as I type this. Excellent vocals! The beginning reminded me of Axl Rose actually but you have your own vibe going on too. I have a question for you though... did you use falsetto in a few places to be able to reach the notes or what it an artistic choice? I felt that the falsetto took a little something away from the rest of the performance. Like you lost a little aggression or edge on those few spots.

    Overall I'm really impressed with your singing and the song itself and the rest of the band sounded very good. Thanks for sharing this with us and welcome to the best vocal forum on the planet! :)

    Thanks man! Yeah the Falsetto bits were an artistic choice, just something a little different and unexpected I suppose. Ive kept it that way for the Album...which is getting mixed in the next couple of weeks, so I might put 1 or 2 of the mixed songs up here for some critique once we get them done. Ive never been compared to Axl before, I often get told I sound a little like Ozzy Osbourne...either way I do love those guys vocals! My Fave singers are the Dickensons, Halfords, Tates etc and im a huge Sebastian Bach fan.

    And thanks for the mastering, we actually didnt get that song mastered as it was "just" a demo with a rough mix. I like what you did with it cheers!

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