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Posts posted by Janet

  1. They actually gave me a mic at church for a few months when most of the band left for the summer, etc. That was rather intimidating at first, but I figured I might as well sing out if I was going to sing. It's a little harder singing while sitting down when you don't know what you're doing though.... (that, and knowing there are several very talented singers listening) lol

  2. Thank you, Jimmy. I've been working at singing for several years now. I took lessons for 6 months about 6 years ago and felt I made some progress, but haven't had any directed help lately. (I've always played the piano for everyone else and only in the last few years have cared to learn to sing. And frustrated when it doesn't happen easily.) Anyway, I've been practicing, but still not getting the breathing right. If life will slow down a bit soon I'll try to find a vocal coach. :-)

  3. Thanks Ron. You guys are very welcoming. :-) I looked into Robert's lessons a couple months ago and that's not really an option for me either right now. (still hoping the economy picks up before long, but that's a different story.) :-)

    I've heard people do wonders with a so-so vocal track, but I also know I need to learn a lot as a singer. I'll try to listen to some of those tracks as you suggested.

  4. Thank you Ron. I appreciate you listening and trying to help me. :-) I'm using an MXL V63M mic. It works well when I record my singer friend. :-)

    It's nice to hear my highest notes are good. That's about as high as I could go, which made the verses pretty low. So...lighten up the mid-range notes....as in, don't sing them so loud...or strong? I'll try smiling too.

    Thanks for your help. I don't know a lot of the lingo, so I appreciate the explanations. I think it's time to try voice lessons again if I can ever find time.

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