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Posts posted by bonk22

  1. First, PURE head voice is a myth. All singing is to some degree mixed. That said I know what you're going for a light heady sound that seamlessly blends into a ringy falsetto. Your first attempt was by far your best. A little nasal but on the whole very good. One of the tricks to that is to keep the resonance high and forward with out going into the nose. If you think your getting nasal pinch your nose closed while your singing. If nothing happens your not nasal if the sound changes to very nasal you were singing in your nose-nasal. Works every time. One those high note DO NOT FORCE the sound, don't try to push the sound out. Just open up, get everything out of the way, and let your voice soar.

  2. Steve is right in everything he said and I'd like to add a word or two on placement. It sounds to me like your resonance is placed too far back and too low. You should feel your vocal resonance from the roof of your mouth up and just a ways behind your teeth to behind your nose depending on the note and the volume. Higher notes should be higher. This forward/ high placement aids projection, or more power with less work.

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