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Posts posted by rofleren

  1. Just to "warn" you: There will be times, weeks and months where you feel like you're not progressing very much, but if you stick with doing your scales, breathing exercises etc. you will improve over time, even though you feel like you're stuck. That has happened for me a few times.

    Yes. You will be able to sound like your voice is one continuous voice and not three different voices, in time. I can't do it yet myself. My chest and mix is beginning to blend together somewhat though.

  2. Well. You have a nice sound. I like it. If you were more on pitch, this could actually be pretty good.

    Your user name and the clip didn't match for me, due to the quality of your voice. But definitely, pitch is pretty important to work on at the moment. I can't tell you how to do that though, since that was my force when I began.

    When you've over time have gotten good pitch, you could easily be called a good singer.

    How's your range at the moment? I started out couldn't hit C4 (middle c), but here's two clips of me now:


    A few days ago I made a breakthrough into the head voice area. I'm vocalizing F5's in the clip. I've never gone so high without going into falsetto. You don't have to like the sounds made in this clip to appreciate the fact, that when you have a good teacher (I only had him for four weeks, Eli Prinsen) he can show you awesome stuff. Right now the quality of "that voice" is only going to get better. But that's a sing with singers, if you haven't already noticed; there are some weird sounding exercises out there.

    This is me in my first and only performance ever (in front of my entire school)

    This guy, check out all the videos by him, made me able to "twang" into middle voice.

    <-- This was like the KEYSTONE for me being able to go higher than F#4, which became my stopping block.

    All three very different sounds, and once I can integrate them all together, it's going to be awesome.

    Btw. I still as many others, are confused about what is head voice, mixed voice and chest voice. I've settled for what my current teacher says it is. It doesn't really matter in the end anyway, and if you really try to listen to everyone it's only going to confuse you. At least it did for me.

  3. The first thing you should do if you want to be a good singer, is to make a new profile with another user name.

    "IAmGoingToBeAnAwesomeSinger" for example. If you think of yourself as a bad singer, it's going to be harder to progress than if you having a more optimistic mindset about it. Even though you might say "I will improve", you need to believe it before you physically start it! And I'm sure you can do that.

    Everyone can learn to be a good singer, and you definitely have a good foundation.

    Go make a new profile and come back :)

  4. Hey guys! I haven't posted for a while - been busy going to exams.

    I've made a cover/parody of The Darkness - I Believe in a thing called love with lyrics related to the game Diablo.

    I have to say; the lyrics in the original song is soo much easier to sing.


    I put on a lot of distortion for fun, but then I liked it, so I didnt remove :P

    What's your opinion?


  5. E2 used to be my lowest note when I started singing. The more I practiced, sang and focused on expanding my range upwards, my lowest notes rose. Now my lowest note is a G2. Oh well :P

    Weird, that is a lot of notes :o When I'm warmed up really well, it's definetly harder to hit those deep notes, but I am nearly always able to hit an E2.

    Oh well. LIKE A G2, LIKE A, LIKE A G2!

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