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Posts posted by MidiBro

  1. My favorite sort of music is broadway. I understand many of these singers use classical techniques to get their power and resonance. Thus, I have been trying to imitate opera.

    I have no teacher, but I have found that breathing is exceptionally important but I have no idea how to breathe. I've found through trial and error in order to get an operatic sound I have to tense my stomach and chest and and ribcage to such a large and outstretched position that it hurts and is even harder than any weight lifting I've ever done. Its impossible for me to sustain this "support" (if that is what it is) for more than super short notes.

    I have recorded a short clip of some jibberish:


    I went off tune badly at the end, partially because I didn't know what chord I was going to resolve to. However, I was also losing my breath anyway.

    I am wondering if you believe I am breathing correctly here and its just a matter of strengthening breathing muscles until I can sustain this same pressure/power over long notes (I AM VERY FAR AWAY then) or if I am overpressuring my voice (making too big of a voice to handle). I seem to have a general issue with tone consistency and cords not closing when I'm not faking opera so I think I must be doing something right here (but also something wrong).

    All this voice stuff is so confusing :(:(


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