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Posts posted by Joshsparxx

  1. OK, I realize the beginning is really obnoxious with tonality and possibly much more.

    As I've stated in my previous posts I'm a beginner.

    I'm looking for help on if I am hitting head voice clearly and effectively.

    To be honest, I'm unsure of when I reach head voice.. For all I know, its just me singing high.

    I think I achieve this at 1:02, but really, i have no idea.

    Any criticism is welcome.

  2. Pulling chest means you are using the chest voice musculature to sing notes that are too high for you to sing in chest voice. As you ascend, you need to gradually let go of the chest voice musculature and allow the head voice musculature to be dominant (if I understand this correctly). Search the forum for bridging and head voice and I am sure that you will find a ton of threads relating to it as it is the biggest hurdle to overcome when learning to sing, and takes the klongest to master.

    Def, bridging my head voice has been the high hurdle in my singing education thus far.

    As for Akuma,

    I'd suggest doing lip roll exercises, these tend to make it easier to hit head voice and can make you understand where your breaking point is. Check youtube on "lip rolls" and it should come up fairly fast. And Yeah, all those bands are from people that are very comfortable and have the ability to hit notes in that register.

    I remember trying to sing all those kind of bands when i was first starting singing, let me tell you, it's never good to strain your voice to hit notes, work on it...keep it going, do at least a half hour of warm ups before singing and reduce intake on dairy. Dairy is a large mucus generator and can reduce the tone in your vocal registers.

  3. Hey there!

    I figured I'd just post it here.

    I think I have a pretty big range, but it doesn't sound right for some reason.

    I never had singing lessons or anything, I just like to sing in my free time. :)

    Please do be harsh and all that, I'd really like to sing better. :)


    First off, kudos for attempting Anthony Green's range.

    Second, being a new singer myself I have noticed my amplitude in regulating pitch. Sure I'm not able to sing great now, but with what I heard of you, Keith had some very good points. I've tried doing Green's signature head voice before and have failed. Sometimes it's best to start with a song you have a more comfortable range in.

    Starting with Green is like going to a street car race with only stock equipment and everyone else has turbos and chips and speed improvments. You need to get the tools and foundation first before you can race at that level.

    At least, that's my two cents.

  4. You just need to learn what to do with the tools you have. Right now you can draw a nice picture using a pencil...or doodle some great little sketches. You need to learn how to paint!!! Technique. ;)

    Practice and learn....then practice some more. And more...

    I agree with that, for sure.

    I think, like Keith said, that I really need to focus on my bridging to head voice, I don't even know if I'm doing it correctly. haha.

  5. Actually, I think your singing volume was fine. Tone and pitch was good. But, yes, the guitar was really loud. Do you, like me, have an acoustic with built-in pick ups so that you could plug it ito an amp? And did you have it plugged into an amp?

    That might be the big problem, right there.

    Do the song "unplugged."

    It does indeed have a built in pickup, but i was not plugged in.

    I believe it has a lot do with the fact that its a really low quality video on top of my loud strumming habit.

    Is there anything you could recommend I work on besides my heavy strumming?

  6. I sugest that you lower the volume of the guitar, it is good to record yourself, so you can hear the mistakes that you make and work on it, you said that you've just began singing, so the advices that I can give you :

    -keep singing every day

    -warm up for about 15minutes before singing(do the lip roll exercice or the tongue trill on scales)

    -don't fear the high notes, its not the end of the world if you crack, just release youre voice, but don't push ^^, you'll have to find how to sing ralaaaxed, with training you'll have it(I'm training to lol)

    -try to read some books about it, or find some videos on youtube that will help you find you mixed voice

    you have a beautifull voice :)

    keep it up ;)

    Yeah, I play really loud, I hear that often.

    and thanks! I will never give up.

    Get a coach or pay for a program, you will save lots of time and frustration. From what I could hear of it, you have a good voice and good ear for pitch, but suffer from what all begginers suffer from- bridging into head voice. Roberts Pillars program is all about bridging and connecting . So, I suggest you look into that.

    In regards of choosing a program, I decided to go out and buy Brett Manning's Singing Success, I heard it was a wonderful program and i just started using it last night.

    Thanks a lot guys, I'll be sure to take all of that in account!

    If anyone else can hear over the guitar and have other helpful tips, id really appreciate it.

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