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Posts posted by besthellbunny

  1. For some reason I still haven't given up at this singing/recording thing. Once in a blue moon I will post here for your critiques, and I think I am slowly making progress. One of my biggest critiques along the way has been to sing louder, and stop burying my voice in the mix (which I guess I do because I am nervous I don't sound good).

    So, to combat my fear, here is an acapella of Marilyn Manson's "Minute of Decay".

    In this take I am aware of a couple of flaws I want to work on in another take...in some areas I lack power where I feel like I should be screaming/yelling/belting but, I really just am not sure how to do that and not sound totally silly!?!

    Without further adieu;

    Thanks for listening, and please tell me your thoughts!

  2. So... I am back. With another rough draft for review, in acapella. It is an original song I am working on called, "Jane Doe In Love". Ultimately my goal for the sound will be something balanced between rock and electronic...but for now, I am trying to get better at developing my sound and some basic concepts for which direction I want the lyrical foundation and musical foundation to go... What do you think? Thanks for checking it out and commenting! :D


  3. Okay it's been a while since I linked anything here... I have been practicing, and been doing a lot of lyrical writing lately, too... I am an untrained novice at singing and I am interested in just getting some feed back as to what others think of the sound of my voice overall. any promise in here? I have an eager musician friend who insists that I should sing, but I am not sure if he is just being generous to boost my ego- ya know?

    please let me know what you think!

    I apologize in advance for the shoddy quality of sound of the recording- I am in an apartment now so I can't sing as expressively as I would like to, and this is recorded by my laptop mic, very minor tweaking in cubase which I am also a novice to! nonetheless, this short clip is a more recent sampling of my sound. hope this is getting better >_<

  4. Hello there!

    Okay, the newbie here...in part from all of you who have encouraged me and responded with some great technical feed back from my original post, I have been watching some videos and practicing here and there where possible...albeit usually in my car >_<

    here is a track that is a quite a bit longer than my original upload for critique of my voice...i tried to get a feel for my "chest voice" as many on forums have suggested. With this recording i did two takes and layered them...apologize for the crackling of the recording its a super cheap mic and im still getting used to recording, editing, and singing, yikes! :P

    enough babbling, here is the link:


    as per usual, suggestions away!

  5. First and foremost, thank you for responding (and your encouragement, I appreciate that)! I have never sung with the intention of sounding good (or with the intention of having a listening audience), meaning I have absolutely no formal training and I have yet to begin vocal exercises. The most singing I have done has been in the shower, haha.

    I literally just jumped right into recording myself last weekend on a whim to hear what I sound like as to gauge if there was any hope for me. I am starting pretty late with singing, I am 26...however, so long as I am not making other peoples ears bleed, it is something I would find enjoyment in pursuing and working to improve upon.

    Any suggestions you have are encouraged! I just started jumping along from forum to forum and even YouTube to try to get some pointers on how to get started.

  6. http://soundcloud.com/besthellbunny/kdcover-ayria-disease

    I am brand spanking new to attempting to sing. A friend of mine who is a professional musician is insistent on getting me to sing for him for am EBM/Industrial type of genre...I am wary because while I do enjoy to sing in the shower, I don't know how I feel about opening up to others audibly as I am not a big fan of the style of voice I have been given.


    I did a one shot recording over Ayria's track "Disease" with a cheap $10 mic and 0 experience at recording, etc....this is a very raw sing-over style demo, and just a short clip of the track to keep the suffering short and sweet haha.

    I am more or less trying to get a feel of what others hear when they listen to the sound of my voice to see if this is something I should keep practicing at, or quit while I'm ahead >_<....I know friends and family can be encouraging even when something is lackluster, so, here I am, looking for objective feedback! thanks! ^_^

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