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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a recording of my recital piece, although I felt it went pretty well. I may record an a capella version sometime in the near future, as I'm incapable of playing the accompaniment myself :/

    in unrelated news, I got the closest thing I have ever gotten to a compliment from my current voice teacher today: "You know what I like about you? You know when you're doing something wrong."

  2. ronws: haha I love that you heard the scandinavian there...half of my family is VERY norweigan.

    felipe: it was a long tour with a small choir, i'm one of 3 tenors, and the only actual tenor...trying to keep up with the rest of the choir with a brass quintet backing is pretty tiring, although that may just be because my voice isn't fully matured yet. Also, funny you should say my voice is closed and placed back, this is something my voice teacher has been working with me for a long time to try and correct

  3. Thanks for the comments guys! I know i lose control up in the upper range, as stated before, my voice is dead from tour! I'm not horrifically sad about the rest of it, but those notes are usually pretty easy

    the overemphasis is probably due to constant live singing (both choir and solo work)....things have to be very emphasized or they sound like mush...guess its not hte best mode to use to record though haha :P

  4. Hey guys, I just got done with a choir tour and my voice is absolutely dead, and thus I'm falling into some bad habits (I used to be a rock singer) and having a couple pitch issues with this (and pretty hilariously cracking a few notes that are usually pretty easy for me), but it was a one take kinda thing..let me know what you think!

    sorry for the quality, laptop mic..don't have anything better with me currently.

  5. I'm sorry that you were in the mood of 9 Crimes, its such a depressing song!

    Overall not terrible, very pitchy, and some diction can use work. Vocally, you leave out a lot of the little breathy endings to words that really convey the emotion behind the song, might want try to add them in.

    You got very pressed when you got into your upper range, going from very belty to falsetto over and over is not a pleasing sound, it sounds like you're capable of full voicing those notes, you're just tensing up too much.

    Overall, needs improvement, but is definitely not awful, you have a good voice, it just needs work!

  6. i love your voice, as usual..but listening to this leads me to believe that there is A LOT of voice there that you aren't using. It sounds almost like you're being lazy. As singers, we're constantly told not to "push", but your voice is very similar to a girl that I've sang a couple duets with, who after working with a quality instructor, now has a very powerful voice...some food for thought. :)

  7. im going to say 5/10, and not to be hurtful. its hard to judge because of the quality of the microphone. That said, your tone is completely unsupported and very very pressed, and your timing is off in certain areas. there is DEFINITELY potential in your voice, but still needs work...I realize the song must be sung tenderly, but there appears to be a lack of confidence in your singing, you need to learn to balance the two.

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