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Posts posted by divided33

  1. good, I was always sure I was a woman, too ;) not a soprano, though, I guess.. I am from Germany (recently moved back here), thought the accent would give it away... Hopefully I'll have that eureka moment you had some day! Are u singing in a band now?

    I absolutely don't know why my throat hurts like that sometimes - I have read that one should keep the throat open and relaxed, and relaxing might be one of my biggest problems. It seems like a paradox to me to sing powerfully and stay relaxed at the same time..will need to ask the teacher about that.

  2. ..but seriously, I will read up more on singing techniques and keep reading/asking questions on this forum. I really want to learn how to sing - it is just such a beautiful thing, and it makes me feel - even physically - good sometimes..

    At other times my whole throat suddenly hurts and completely 'closes' - those were the moments when I thought I'd better get a vocal coach cause I have no idea what causes this.. :(

  3. Thanx a lot Nick_D & Tommy for your comments - loved the baseball analogy, Tommy, even thought that is the one game apart from maybe cricket that I will never understand ;) But nevertheless, I'll try and play ball!!

    Feeling a lot more encouraged - I might get together with a vocal coach I found next week after all. I think I needed somebody's opinion so I don't make a complete fool of myself in front of her...

    I am female btw (..and no offense taken!) - gosh, is my voice that low? Or was it because I changed the lyrics to 'she' (that happened spontaneously, no idea why)?

  4. Hi all,

    I am 34 and have that classic 'I finally wanna be able to sing' wish.

    The recording (and probably my accent :lol:) is pretty crappy, I know that, but I only have a laptop to record. Plus I have never recorded anything or sung in front of anyone, and simply just found the courage to upload this and ask for your honest opinion - do I have a chance to develop a singing voice at all? Is there anything good about my voice? What am I doing wrong (if not everything...)?

    Thank u guys very much for your patience!!



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