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Posts posted by Riffs

  1. I can tell you what I think but be advised I am NOT a voice expert or coach of any kind, so take all of this for what it's worth, if anything.

    First of all, this is not an easy Halford track, although it's not a favorite of mine. But it's pretty epic stuff and it takes courage to perform this and post the track without instrumentation, so kudos for that! My initial impression is that some notes are off and it lacks clarity in pronunciation. My impression is that you were focusing too much on matching Halford's performance and all the note and to imitate his tone and delivery.

    My guess (and I may totally be wrong here) is that your jaw wasn't relaxed enough as you were trying to *sound like Halford* and this might have hindered pronunciation. I would try to cover it again but this time, without trying too hard to replicate the actual grit and exact voice. I would first focus on the melody and lyrics. You can record it again and put it here and see the difference. It might sound a little sillier without the grit but I bet you will nail the actual *song* as opposed to the *sound*. And when you control it well enough, if it's that important to replicate Halford's voice and tone, you can work on that.

    Having said that, this is still impressive and I'd never even try that myself. Hope this isn't harsh or anything. My first time critiquing a fellow here.

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