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Posts posted by ScratchTracks

  1. @Everyone : Thank you guys very much.. It's a work in progress...

    @Ron: no I don't want that at all.. Honestly, I do not have any "vocalist" friends that I can turn to.. They all consist of either pure guitar players, drummers, etc.. or sportnutz that don't know anything about music...

    So I come to this forum (I'm on another one too), to share my passion, and to see how others like it OR dislike it. I only want to grow as a artist. I'm 41, and time is ticking by fast...

    Thank you for thinking highly of it though! That's my goal -- iTunes, Youtube, etc.. ;-)

    @Felipe: Thanks to you too. I really NEED to find a quiet place to record my stuff, as you were not the first one to make mention to the weird sounds on the recording. For some reason, everyone thinks it's me trying to do something (guess because I know it's not, I don't hear it. haha).... I performed that song at a dinner party, and those are the guests / children, making those noises... I did not add anything falsetto to the song..

    Another song that had a weird sound on it was Rooster -- I had to trim the beginning part because of it.. lol..

    I'm confused on how to apply the comment you made regarding the first verse where I'm lower in pitch and projecting. That's actually close to my speaking voice (i'm a baritone) and I was singing it in a speaking level where I had to get closer to the mic. I don't know how to make it more natural, since it was purely natural to me.. hahahaha...

    Humm. The part regarding me falling out of harmonic field on the 1st chorus, I've never heard before - always sung that way, and listening to it... I think you are right.... I will definitatly add that to my watch list ... I'll work on that and do another recording...

    I record my stuff on my Ipad in the living room of the house for all the tracks (including this one)..

    I will move it downstairs and re-record it using my computer and see how it comes out..

    I will do that shortly and upload it again to soundcloud.

    Thank you very much for your Positive and Constructive critiques everyone!!!!!


  2. Just keep at it, and take it slow bud... remember it is a muscle that you are trying to build, and reps will do that for you.. But if you train wrong, or incorrectly, then you will have to work 10x harder just to return to the start again.

    I am not a vocal coach, nor do I think I'm that good of a singer, but compared to where I once was, I think I am night and day... I use to copy artists as well, and after practicing their style over and over and over again, I had a lot of resembulence to them...

    Couple of things that happened at that point of time.

    1. I got a lot of compliments singing their material.. BUT when trying to sing others, it just didn't fit...

    2. I couldn't find my own voice.. So I took a break from singing for months, then adopted in the system, of listening to a song - once or twice... then learning the basic chords on a guitar (or karaoke track), and sing them... eventually, I found my voice, as I was not mimicing anyone else (sometimes a bit of the old style slides in, but more of a stylistic approach and not of a means to sing)...

    3. Found my voice, but couldn't hit ranges I wanted, because just like mimicing the sound of the artist, you sorta mimic the range too...

    So my advice, is DON'T GIVE UP singing... But try and change it up to your own style... You will find it, and your voice will be your own... At first however, it may sound like crap, but keep going - -we all start somewhere.

  3. Agreed, and not to mention it will also stunt your vocal growth because the incorrect and limiting factors that mimicing a vocal from other artists will also mimic their limitations..

    I use to get a lot of positive feedback on my vocal ability while singing any Pearl Jam songs... I use to "cover" or darken the sound much like many 90's rockers do and because of that I developed a lot of bad habbits (because my vocal tone is different then his)....

    When I decided to sing like ME and not like HIM, it opened up an entire octave on my voice that I never thought possible.. And I've just recently done that, so I have a long way to go still!!!

    The other suggestions were correct, and you should find a vocal coach to get your started, and develop your voice to the best you can be.

  4. The tone is nice... and with a little re-shaping of your mouth (open it wider), you have a very stylistic approach to the song..

    I would suggest to cut back the air some what and instead of trying to project it forward (as mentioned by someone else), just smile into the sounds ... it helps to bring the sound forward naturally..

    Give that a go... and after you practice some suggestions we mentioned above, redo the song and let us hear it.. I'd love to hear the progress....

    thanks for your time.

  5. I think if you're crap.. you're crap.. if you're good.. you're good... if you have potential.. then you have potential..

    Telling someone different doesn't accomplish anything..

    I don't think we are talking to (for the most part) kids here... so ego's may get hurt, but who cares... If we were all that great, we'd be signing multimillion dollar contracts and not visiting forums such as this..

    It's all based on what we like to hear, because only a selected few may be qualified to give a proper analysis of the voice -- the rest is just opinions....

    So in that light, just be honest... don't have to sugar coat it, but don't have to be a prick about it either.

    If you think it was bad.. don't just say " that sucked ".. tell them 'why' you thought it sucked....

    If it was good... don't just say " that rocked "... tell them 'why' it was good...

    that's how we are going to learn and progress. As mentioned, we are not professional vocal coaches here, and even ones that may visit this board , we have no idea what qualifies them as such (anyone can make that claim - just look at youtube)...

    A lot of energy is gone into this topic, but it just seems everyone is repeating the same thing, but just saying it differently....

  6. Hello everyone,

    My name's Dave, 41, from Canada.

    handle is : ScratchTracks.

    Anyway, I'm sorta new to singing - at least with this technique.. I use to close down the sound a lot (like having marbles in the back of the throat - typical grunge / alternative of the 90's), and over used Mask to achieve a different sound..

    I have some acoustic tracks of me singing and playing my guitar, at :

    Sound quaility isn't bad, but could improve (recorded on my ipad)..

    Please let me know your thoughts, and all comments are welcome - even negative ones...

    Thanks All.



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