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Posts posted by nikkieagle

  1. Too nasal. let the sound come out of your mouth, instead of your nostrils.

    On both versions.

    The problem (or challenge) is that I used to sing a lot when I was a kid. But when I was 10, I had cancer that affected my ear, nose, and throat. And since then my voice is nasal in general (singing or not). It takes a lot of effort to sing (or talk) and not sound nasal. I have heard of a man named Roger Burley who has been able to work with people who've also experienced medical conditions that affect their ear, nose, and throat, and he said he has been able to get them singing again. Guess I'll just have to keep practicing until I can afford a professional coach like Roger Burley.:rolleyes:

  2. I'm replying because I'm trying to help people like me who want critiques. A lot of people have viewed but not replied (hmmm?). I will give you an honest review because that's what I'd want. You sing off key mostly but do have a nice voice. So, maybe if you practice more and record yourself singing a lot, then that should help you learn to sing on key.


  3. Hi,

    I'm helping people who want to be critiqued in hopes that others will critique me too. And my critique will give you a boost to the top again. I don' t understand why people take the time to listen to you sing but won't take the time to give their opinion. I am no pro by a long shot but I know good singing.

    I think (imo) you sound pretty good and have potential because you can sing on key; and that's the first step to good singing. But I think you need your own style. You should sing other songs, not Michael Jackson because he has his own unique voice and style. And even if you were able to sound like him, your singing wouldn't be unique. Good Luck!


  4. I have recorded me singing a clip of a song and I would like people to please critique me. In version 1 of it, I am trying to control my voice. In version 2, I am letting loose and just singing in my "natural" voice. Please listen to both and tell me what you think about them. Thanks. :)

    Version 1:




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