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Posts posted by Oaryx

  1. Support? I'm unsure what you mean by that. >_< Could you please clarify?

    I guess that means I don't have much of an approach on support. Haha. :)

    Alas, I've only been going to lessons for about 3 months and at 30 min a week the amount I've learned about vocal techniques has been pretty limited. Is support considered breathing? Or the shakiness that's in my voice sometimes? I do practice breathing from the diaphragm if that counts..

    So keep the advice coming! I'm only going to continue to improve if I know what I should be improving on.. :)

  2. Thank you both for your comments! :) I think I'll play around with being able to belt out the notes without being too breathy.. just to see if I can. And if it doesn't sound as good I'll revert back?

    Honestly, any criticism is great.. since I'm at the point where I want to do an open mic (I've never a actually sang in front of anyone aside from the occasional karaoke a couple times a year) and I really want to sound my best.

    Any advice on singing lower notes? I feel I've got a good amount of power on the highs, but I seem to disappear when singing lower notes and I have difficulty pushing them out. Any tips on breathing.. should my mouth still be really open.. etc..? It seems like vocal teachers are always so concerned with having you hit the highs, that the lows aren't taught as much I suppose.

  3. Thanks! Do you have any advice on what I can do to improve?

    For example: when I do very high belting notes for an extended period of time (such as when I try to sing Beyonce's Listen.

    Especially the chorus.), my throat actually starts to feel pretty strained even though I'm hitting the notes. After singing the "Listen" song I actually feel pretty tired. Any advice on how to alleviate some of the stress on my vocal cords during high belting?
  4. I started taking singing lessons a few months ago but I've never really made my singing public. This is my first recording, and I was hoping to get some feedback on my singing! Please give me any advice you can think of for improvement. It would be much appreciated!


    P.S: What is the proper syntax for linking? Can't seem to get it to work. :(

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