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Posts posted by Onacor

  1. Hummm.. Although I believe you are far from ready to be a 'superstar' and I don't suggest cutting any albums just yet , until you are -- you should record some tracks for iTUNES, and sell them to Ron.. make some beer money ;-)


    You are not tone deaf, so that's good.. which means, you can only get better (and you hit it on the head), it IS simply your TECHNIQUE that is the problem here... Not your ability to sing.

    you are singing in the back of the throat - sound very muffled... You need to bring the sound more forward (this is also true for your lower range) - drop the tongue and keep a yawning sensation in the back of your throat, and bring in more mask (vibration in your nose, face more)... NOT nasally, but 'brighter'..

    Your support is lacking on the higher notes - you need to push down on the diaphragm when you are going higher - ONLY breathing from the stomach (shoulders shouldn't raise)... Always keep a steady 'push' on it at all times, and increase it when you go higher...

    Also watch those consonants.. you are slamming them... iM HeRe WitHouT you BaBy.....

    Should be... Im, hErE wIthOut yOu bAby (you can do some vowel modifications if you like to avoid the "Eee" sound and keep it to an open " EH "... but yeah.. you get the point..

  2. I didn't like it.

    Although the song is not challenging for dynamics, I agree with Owen.. Sounded like you were just whispering for most of it, and I thought you were just a step above talking the verses. Almost like you are in a room of sleeping people, and trying not to wake them -- not just the volume, but the tone...

    When you hold a word, you fall off pitch for the most part as well...

  3. hi IamwhatIam,

    Your tone is actually quiet nice... Yes, your accent needs to be improved on certain words in the song, but that's neither here nor there..

    You are using open throat technique, which is great... I can hear some breathing issues in there however, so pay attention to the draw of air and slow release for EVERY phrase..

    You are slamming the consonants, which closes down your sound and makes you start from ground zero again for the next word / phrase.

    Great work though, keep it up.

  4. Hi Elizax.

    For both song samples, your bottom register (chest voice) is good -- I can hear your stylistic approach, however I still hear you holding back the sound within your throat (back of mouth).. You need to bring that sound forward by using more mask and flattening your tongue...

    The higher sections and vocal breaks, you have to be careful with..

    You break into falsetto when full head voice should be used. So, doing so, you are bending the note slightly - which knocks you off key, and allowing too much air to pass the vocal folds. Stylistically, this works in " She will be loved " more, but you should pull back the air.... and in "Stay" you should eliminate the falsetto and only use full head voice.

    I would recommend you concentrate your scales on the vocal breaks, as they are not clean (You produce a yodel when going from one register to another)..

    Vocal breaks and high parts.

  5. Short and curly answer -- either crap or get off the pot...

    6 months, then you quit, will not work man... You need to practice atleast an hour a day, doing various exerices for 6 days a week , every week... It's a ongoing thing..

    Maybe, because you are doing the hums, and whatnot, at speech level, it is not helping (surprise surprise).. you need something that has more dynamics then a SS / SLS approach then..

    Look up the 4 pillars here with the dude Robert Lunte, or Ken Tamplin Sing better then anyone else can....

    Or even a coach around you...

    Either or.. you need to commit or the results will be the same...

    You don't have a bad underlining tone man... but your support is bad, your breathing is bad, your control is bad.

  6. Jens, stop being an idiot. It's a place for critique. It doesn't matter what anyone else sounded like when they were 14... The forum topic isn't " Powder my arse and boost my ego "... It's Review and Critique... They (including me) reviewed and Critiqued. You give good advice at times, but usually find a way to make yourself annoying and non-topical. Grow up and stay focused!

    OP, your voice will continue to grow and find it's placement, when you age a bit more... Don't get discouraged, as Jens mentioned, you are just 14 and A LOT of 14 year olds have doubts and issues through this period with singing..

    Find a good teacher (even online such as Robert or Ken, or someone like that), so you learn the proper techniques and control..... This will give you what you need - Now, and especially in the future!...

  7. too much Nasal -- for sure..... But you keep a bright tone - and that's a huge bonus... keep that going, but lay back on the nasal effect...

    All you need dude, is what 90% of everyone I've come across needs ---- Support..... .that's why you "shake" on some notes, don't hold a steady sustain on others, pitchy where you shouldn't be.. etc... All comes to support man...

    Practice your breathing, and you're well on your way. I think you have a very "indie" voice... better then a lot I've heard in the pubs....

  8. Ha.. dude... you actually sounded good.. you have a very nice voice hiding behind ya there..

    Seriously... Project more.. build your confidence, because you do sound good... great vibrato on this song, timbre when you project more is spot on.... You did mumble from time to time, and kept yourself closed down.. but Meh.. you're learning man... over all it was nice.

    Some tips for ya.... Take a deep breath, and exhale ALL THE WAY OUT.... almost to the point you feel your lungs ready to collapse.... take a deep breathe, and repeat a few times..

    Shake your hands by yourside and if possible give a loud shout (open throat of course so you don't hurt yourself)....

    This will relieve a HUGE amount of stress / stagefright for you...

    Then, when you are singing, open your mouth more and increase the volume of a bit more then speech level (for a song like this)... Pretend you are singing to someone at the back of the room..

    If you need to, close your eyes, and picture the words that you are singing... Paint a storyboard in your head that allows you to paint a picture for others to see (hear)..

    Like I said above.. you have a nice voice -- I enjoyed your tone...

    You can do it, and CONGRATULATIONS for posting a video of yourself singing man... Most people will only do sound.. then others will do sound with still picture of something NON-them... then those that are a bit braver with show slides or a single picture of themself with their music, and finally full on youtube type of posts (like yours)..

    So.. yeah..

    rock it dude... rock it.... .

    Keep up the great work....

  9. Same here Weilman.. I'm from Canada.. Although I understand what you mean ( I don't have any accent - atleast not that which the media has made us Canadians to sound like (Canadians saying EH, is like all Americans saying HUH, and all English saying " Governor "..

    Just be yourself, and don't fight it.. we all bend sound when we sing anyway.. so maybe just practice on the vowel modifications to lessen it..

  10. that you guys.. I'm trying to improve my voice, and although I agree the Classic version by LS is my favorite, it is also non-challenging to sing.. this version by this guy Brent from shinedown, push the upper midrange to my liking, with full voice power...

    However, I have never seen this video before that Ron posted -- only the full band one (studio), that I heard.. he seems to really pull back in this video , especially for the chorus..

    Any tips would be great to help out.. And thank you again.. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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