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Posts posted by durkinnj

  1. http://yourlisten.com/channel/content/16971303/Testing_Range

    I think I made some progress guys. That "crying" really helped. Having that compression in my voice allowed me to hit those higher notes without screaming for them. This is a audio of me attempting a full 4 octave range. Yeah okay, it doesn't sound great, but I am excited that I can have this range and now I just need to work on the sound and making it smooth throughout. What do you guys think? What should I practice now?

  2. I'm going to keep this short. From middle C on down I can sing good. From there to high C is my problem. 1: My "head voice" that I use to sing those notes doesn't have the fullness and sound it should. 2: When I try to "mix" , or add "chest" to sing these notes, my voice breaks up. I wish to sing like these guys:


    but they usually sing up into the middle C to high C range and that is where I struggle. I've watched countless youtube videos trying to find out what I'm doing wrong or how to sing these notes and have it sound natural but I have not succeeded and that is why I'm posting this now. Here is a video of me trying to demonstrate what I'm talking about:


    Thank you so much if you can actually help me.

    BTW I was intentionally trying to keep a normal level and so it seems like I am holding back and you would be correct. I watched someone on youtube who said if you can't hit the notes at a normal level you won't be able to hit them when you project fully with your voice and so I figured I had to start at a normal level. Perhaps I am wrong.

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