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Posts posted by kendroid

  1. Wow, I didn't realize this would set off such a tangent. I am aware that self confidence is something that I lack, particularly in my singing. That's why I posted on this board. I wanted to get some feedback and hopefully some technical advice to help improve my voice, because, let's face it, no matter how good you get you can always get better.

    I didn't realize how self-depricating my post sounded, but now that I am aware I will be careful not to preface my performances with anything similar. I guess I was trying to pre-emptively comment on what I expected to be the main critique, but I see now how that came off and it is something I will take care not to do again. I sang in choir for many years, but have never had any formal voice lessons. I have been given mixed messages over the years (some people think I sing well, others not so much) so I thought I'd post my voice online, anonymously, for some unbiased opinions. A good friend of mine recently has been encouraging me to sing more (I am always too shy to sing in front of other people), which is what prompted me to record my voice and come here in the first place. I recently forced by this friend to get up and sing in front of a crowd, but just like always I was so nervous that I was trembling and accidentally (or subconsciously?) held the microphone so far away that they could barely hear me. I was so nervous that I was still shaking 10 minutes after my performance was over and I was back in my seat. Recording my voice anonymously is much easier for me. I think people can be kind to your face and say what a good job you did, but I have never received any real feedback with any substance. I mean, if the same people are clapping and telling everyone else in the room they did a great job, it starts to make you wonder if they're just being kind.

    It really isn't about fishing for compliments, though. I know I can carry a tune, but am not as certain about the overall quality of my voice or what I can do to improve my sound. There is a very strong break between my registers, which listening to my voice now I think has improved as I have matured, but is still there (hence the weaker sounding higher notes someone mentioned above). I really was hoping to receive more technical advice, but I am quickly learning that there isn't a whole lot of that on this particular forum. I guess I will stick to finding professional voice teachers in my area.

  2. Well done! My only critiques are to work on your diction, particularly when singing big broadway numbers like this. Also, don't rely too much on the growl. When used properly it can be an effective tool, but it was a little overdone and lost some of it's power. I also would play a little with the dynamics. I think you have a great quality to your voice, but the entire song was belted. This is a powerful song, however, you need to give yourself somewhere to go. if you start out at full strength, the big ending is less effective. These are just nitpicky things though. Great job!

  3. "So what do you suggest I do to become a stronger singer?"

    Get thee to a vocal coach! It would help a lot to learn how to sing in key and learn about chord progressions, etc. I think with a little training, you could do well. This is not an easy song for a beginner to sing. The song itself actually walks you through a chord progression in lyrics and notes (and it goes like this the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift" so if the notes are wrong, it just doesn't work. Learning the scales and doing some pitch recognition/ear training exercises would help tremendously.

  4. I second the breath support comment. Make sure you are really using your diaphragm to control your air flow. I would also pay attention to tempo as it seemed you were a little behind in some parts (not by much, but just a tad slow). Don't be afraid to switch your registers if a note is a little out of your range. I think it is partly due to breath support, but when you hit some of the high notes in the chorus your voice gets a bit strained. Work on switching from your chest voice to your head voice, or lowering the key to solve this problem. You do have a lovely quality to your voice and I think these small adjustments will make all the difference.

  5. Thank you for your critique. Singing with more emotion is something I know I need to work on. I was afraid it sounded too cheerful. I've never been told that I had a lisp before, so I think that can be attributed to the poor recording quality. I used a youtube video for the background music, and a voice recorder on my phone. I will keep an ear out for that next time to see if I notice a pattern though. I really appreciate the comments! You gave me some things to think about.

  6. I have uploaded my voice here:

    I learned this song in about an hour and I am aware that I am off tempo in a few places. I tend to be very critical of my voice, so I noticed many errors but am curious to see what others think. I sang in choir years ago, but am always too shy to sing in front of others. I have been thinking of taking up voice lessons, just for fun. Please listen and let me know what you think!

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