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Posts posted by Andy85

  1. Thank you a lot :) yes, you're right about my guitar, i use to slap and to bend powerfully the strings to simulate the overdrive in unplugged songs, but got the false machine heads, that's why it goes out of tune after first chords)))definitely need a new one ))) concerning the head voice, i exercised such techniques like switching from chest to head voice (but very gentle and smooth, without pushing powerfully the air), falsetto singinging, tryed even yodeling a little bit, but didn't learn how to scream properly and can't get rid of strain in screaming :( when i hear the record i also have the sensation that "if this guy continues to stress his chords like that, he'll ruin his voice in one gig", it's awful. What exercises would you recommend to come slower, with less effort to that technique ? Thank you very much once again

  2. I started to sing 2 years ago, just because it was feeling great, before that i played the guitar in a metal band, and my bandmates were all students at the music college and often made fun of me because i did't have their "academical" technique and their ability to read music, but i had my natural pulsation and my ability to entartain and to be dynamic, that's why each gig was a lot of fun for the public, i never accepted that the people at the gig got tired, i "deavoured" them from the scene, it was like magic, it gave me so much energy, a sort of "shamanic trance",there are no words to describe this feeling, after splitting up with them i didn't play untill 2 years ago (10 years), i started also to record songs and riffs on mobile phone, purposely with bad quality, because i try to keep the inicial pulsation by recording it only one time, its not easy at all to be a perfectionist and re-try every time you don't like it :) i've always ended by recording ZERO and being unsatisfied with my voice. Here i give to your attention a couple of songs, know, there may be "notes out of key", breaks, snorts and coughs, but it's natural :))))that's how a person sounds without any effect, just voice and a 50 dollar acoustic guitar...would like to hear your opinion, critics and will be thankful for your advices

    1) https://soundcloud.com/andre-grevy/easy-fnm-l-richie-acoustic

    2) this one in particular, i just don't get how the original (Chris Cornell) sounds so effortless in high register (head voice) is it because of singing so many years he got accustomed? or is there any breath secret?



    thank you for your attention


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