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Posts posted by Cayden29

  1. So I was just wondering how yous think I sound this low. I have never gone this low before so I am just hoping for some feedback. :P Btw, I am singing with the song, people are always saying to sing with the song because it's easier to judge. ... I'm a male so obviously my voice isn't going to match perfectly with hers. ...


  2. So I know it's obviously not perfect and to be honest my voice was kind of tired but it's the only way to really practice right? Anyways this is it and I need help with 1. Belting properly- I mean, I can never get that vibrato in the end of any belt so it's like. ... I'm not supporting it correctly. 2. Anything else you can think of to help me. :3 Please and thank you.


  3. Hey thanks for the feedback! But what I'v learned is, I need to STOP trying to sound so much like the song and sing with it and sort of make it my own, let me hit the notes in the way that's easiest for me as just when he wrote it, he sang it in the way the notes were easiest to hit for him, as any singer. So. Erm. DO I SOUND BAD? What else beside of that but yes, my pitch is off and its always off and really I can't fix it I guess it'll come with time.

    Although I am trying, I'v started this new way and I guess the real reason is I'm not lifting my soft pallet correctly and only during certain times, is it normal to feel some tension if you don't often lift it? Is it something that will get stronger or should I feel no tension or soreness at all?

  4. https://soundcloud.com/cayden-sob/the-real-you

    Tell me what you think. PLEASE and maybe help with it? If you see any pitch issues and stuff don't be afraid to blurt it out and also. ... DON'T READ THIS AND SKIP OVER IT! I like feedback!

    My memories of you will never be the same

    Your memories of me will just fade away

    Nothing turned out the way we wanted it to

    From the start I thought we were true

    Everything was real but you

    I close my eyes to see your face

    I turn around to see I've been replaced

    Now I know I know it's true

    I guess I never knew the real you

    I close my eyes to see your face

    I turn around to see the devils face

    Now I know I know it's time

    To say goodbye

    Listen to me I say

    Thanks to you I found my way

    It's all because you strayed

    I got a car in my own name

    I got a job making way more than you make

    I got a house worth 800K

    It's all because you strayed

    I close my eyes to see your face

    I turn around to see I've been replaced

    Now I know I know it's true

    I guess I never knew the real you

    I close my eyes to see your face

    I turn around to see the devils face

    Now I know I know it's time

    To say goodbye

  5. Oohs thank you! Yeah I agree with you actually and that is my favorite song and I really do connect with Xtina's songs, the feel of them much better than any other artist really. She does go heavy and I never payed attention but I can't go that heavy so I will work around that. Although a lot of people say I'm out of tune with that song and are extremely pitchy and I kind of agree but certain parts of the song, you are right my vibrato comes through and it sounds nice I just don't know how to do that with other songs. :I Ahh oh well. Thank you for your response. n_n

  6. You need A LOT of work my dude. First of all, you need to search "The basics of singing" on google and start learning how to lip trill. Lip trills are a great way to strengthen your vocal cords and a great warm up and breath control. Don't worry if it takes you a few weeks to really get it down. I can't stress enough to learn how to resonate and proper tongue position. I myself still have trouble singing so don't worry but this is my advice you can take it or not.

    Just because you like rock or heavy metal doesn't mean your voice is suited for it. A good artist and singer tries different styles and artists to try and see where your range is (Tenor, Contralto, Baritone, etc.?) and what feels most comfy and what makes your true sound really express itself. Now this all takes months and years of dedication but I promise if you love singing it never gets boring. I wish you luck on your journey and in a couple of weeks after learning more please keep us updated! You won't sound great in a month or even a year because it takes years. You can even listen to me if you want, I don't sound great but I sing different styles and genre's.

    P.S. lower the music and sing closer to the Mic.

  7. So I have posted on this multiple times and have gotten good feedback about my singing and how to make it better and I love yous guys for that! Even when I don't like the answer. xD' So I am going to post all of my songs, the 4 on sound cloud from which I am going to keep practicing on but which genre and technique do you think fits me the most? Some are really bad, some are eh but I want to know which one do you think suits me best? and if you really want to help, how can I develop my own technique from these songs? My newest one's that I never posted are Who am I to stand in your way and Team.





    Pleeease, I would appreciate A LOT of feedback.

  8. I have been learning for over a year. Lmao. I know the basics, that is why I look at some comments and like, lmao, I know how to use the basics. I just am stuck and can't figure out the problem because it feels like I am doing it right. I just can't sound right, idk if I am singing the wrong genre or what.

  9. Really? I find it easier to stay on pitch with the music. I honestly don't think I'm off pitch a lot, have you listened to the song originally? Anyways that isn't a major concern of mine and I do sing from the diaphragm, idk how you would sing without it but in this case, maybe I was using to much throat, maybe I shouldnt sing so loud. My resonance is off all the time, iI have a hard time with that but I doubt that is the reason I sound so. ... like this. I should sound better than this and I try so hard to sound good but I guess I am just one of those people not naturally born with a nice sound.

  10. Thanks for the feedback! I know I go out of pitch but even the greatest singers go out of pitch. I guess I'll just, I'v done research of how to make it less dull and I can't seem to make out exactly why it is like that, Idk how to correct it. So I am going to sing it again and try. ... to go out of my comfort zone and be more natural and not care so much of how I think it should sound and just sing more comfortable. I am not naturally a loud speaker so I'm not naturally a loud singer either, I like a good range but other than that so, maybe if I sing louder it'll make the difference? Well, here is the link.


  11. So I recently made a post like last week or so and got good feedback of how to correct one of my problems which I am working on and have made progress with but I need more opinions and feedback and this time I used a different song to show a little diversity. Personally my voice is super sharp but I guess to others it is not and I think it is very lifeless and dull and well, can you just listen to it and tell me what you think>?


  12. Thanks for the feedback! I hate my tone, always trying to better it. You also have a point with the head voice, although when I use it it comes off sharp but maybe it isn't and I just suck at judging myself. XD LoL. It is hard for me, most songs I sing come off flat and I try and fix it, try to be more emotional. It is the hardest thing for me, especially on the high notes, I get them all screwed up because of it. XD

  13. Hi guys so I'm new here, I'm 20, A male and have been learning how to sing for a little over a year now. I have improved since then but I could improve so much more and am stuck, I have no vocal coaches in my area so I'm stuck with online. Please listen to my video and give me feedback a 1-10 and give me tips of how to fix my mistakes and please point them out. Thanks. :D


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