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Posts posted by dctoronto

  1. Good job with this but I think there are some things you can do to improve with practice.

    Be careful of harsh sounds like the 'r' and 'a' sounds in your singing. If you overemphasize the 'r's then the few letters afterword also get thrown off, and it sounds rough. To improve your 'r's I would suggest thinking of it as a soft 'r', like the way british/English people say the R sound. It will come off much cleaner.

    In terms of your a sound, it sounds somewhat - sorry for the word I'm using - whiny. I would suggest thinking of 'a' as more of an 'ah' sound almost. The way you sing it, it gets pushed higher in your throat and almost becomes nasal. But if you let it be more of an 'ah' from your throat, it will come off much more powerful.

    Also, the chorus could use some work. Although it should be energetic, energetic doesn't just mean louder. It sounds like the notes are a bit of a stretch for you and that you are almost yelling them to get them out. Try to lower the song a tone or two so it's more within your reach, or just soften your voice and listen to the difference. It should be powerful and excited but not so much yelling.

  2. Great job! There are two things I would suggest you work on:

    1. It sounds a bit like you are oversinging it. What I mean by this, is that you make it sound like you are singing rather than it being completely natural. Try speaking the words as though you were talking completely normally, and then sing it like that. Oftentimes in your singing you lose the consonants and the words blur together a bit too much because of it. But if you sing almost as though you're talking the words, that will help.

    2. Take a listen to some of the speeds/lengths of the actual song. Maybe you did it for your own personal touch, but the way you sing some words/lines is different than the real thing!

    Just small things but it will help a lot I think!

  3. Hi everyone. Brand new to this forum and I've never actually sang for anyone before or posted me singing. But I recorded myself on my iPhone and posted it here: https://soundcloud.com/onceuponavocalcord/looking-for-feedback/s-G0wCd

    I know I have a lot of work to do but I'm looking for help in terms of how I should get started in progressing and getting better. A lot of what I've sang so far (to myself) is Michael Buble, John Mayer, and The Fray. I don't have a great range or voice as you can probably tell but I really do want to get better!

    I really appreciate your help in advance - and please, don't be too harsh - I know I'm not good.

    EDIT: Edited broken URL

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