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TMV World Legacy Member
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About Tanja21

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  1. I'm sorry, but what do you mean with a better mix? Thanks for the video. :)
  2. Thank you to everyone who will take time to give it a listen. :D
  3. I have posted a while ago here my first cover and I got good critique which was a huge surprise for me, so here are two new covers and I would appreciate if you could check me out and tell me if I need to work on something or what type my voice is (I am really struggling with finding what songs I can sing and what songs fit my voice), just a critique about my voice in general. Thank you!!! And if you like a video even better. Or subscribe you know, or share and comment lol just anything really. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VRNbXmTSmc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWF6wrYiJEw
  4. Thank you so much, both of you!! I really expected very bad comments.
  5. Thank you so much! I just really want to finally start putting videos on Youtube but I am not sure if its worth it. I am doing daily exercises and I do know that I have to work on breath control. Thank you so much!
  6. I could write so much things about my relationship with my voice, but I guess here is the video and just tell me what you think. Be honest but like respectful okay thanks www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvopqsRbrCU
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