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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by destinibeard

  1. Well my last two albums were in the haunting and gothic genre, so I'm taking my style which is dark/haunting and mixing it with traditional Celtic songs and original compositions. It will have a Celtic theme but more ambient and dark. (If that makes sense lol) That's the gold anyway.

    And thank you! I have a Facebook page that I will be posting updates and songs on www.facebook.com/destinibeardmusic :)

  2. Hey guys!

    I am working on a Dark Celtic album. It's going to have traditional songs, as well as some of my own compositions. I recorded this cover three years ago (when I was 19) and I plan on having a similar style to this song "Mummer's Dance" by Loreena Mckennitt. Here is the link:

    Also, this next clip is a cover that I did back in January. It's called "Haunted Hearts" by The Dark Tenor. This song is very similar to the albums I produced with Midnight Syndicate, very haunting. I hope enjoy and let me know what you think!


    I have recorded all of these covers at a local studio. All of the backing tracks are also me, and the only thing I add to the song is a reverb effect. I refuse to use any auto-tune. So what you hear is my actual voice. I was classically trained and believe in using my voice without modifying it.

    Thanks so much!

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