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Posts posted by DavidWebb526

  1. Overall this is a really slamming cover. The main thing I noticed vocally, is that I felt you were singing a register that was little low for you and as a result some of the notes weren't delivered with the necessary power to make them shine. This is really a though position since songs like this aren't easily arranged in different keys. If you were looking for real vocal coaching, I would advise picking pieces that could be made to fit YOUR vocals as apposed forcing your vocals over the piece.

    However, I am just a novice singer myself so I would completely understand if you disregarded my comment.

  2. Thank you very much for your feedback. I was starting to think no one noticed, lol. I completely agree with your "holding the vowel sounds for support" tip. I noticed I was loosing air at the end of the song which may have been a result of not keeping a regular practice routine. I was concerned when I doing the earlier takes that I wasn't really engaging my diaphragm so I made it a point to flex it through out the video. This probably resulted in that "oversinging" you were referring to. There's probably a balancing act I will have to work on to achieve that subtly. Thanks again. You definitely hit it on the nose.

  3. Hello. I'm trying to build up a repertoire of songs to play solo at restaurants, bars, etc. I'm actually a guitar player and have very little singing experience except for a few months of vocal lessons hear and there. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how far I am from getting my vocals to a performance level point.

    Any tips on exercises and techniques are much appreciated.


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