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Posts posted by AmyEl

  1. Having a "Lower" voice than someone else is also a misnomer when describing voices. Most of the time what people are really meaning is having a "heavier" or "Lighter" Voice. And that still is not correct for it is which area in the spectrum that can resonate. There are people who have light or thin voices who can sing E2 clear and strong. It will not sound "Beefy or Rich" but it will be clear and strong.

    Being a Tenor, or Baritone is describing the Character of the voice, the timbre, not the range of notes that you can produce.

    Being a Bari/tenor for a man is actually saying you have an average voice capable of singing most songs in any range. The hard part and what gets us in trouble is trying to MAKE our voice sound a certain way instead of allowing it to sound the way it needs to.

    I have to agree with MDEW here. Classifying the voice and fach is pretty strange to me. I mean, you have your comfort zone..but that break can move up and down based on how well you learn to release the chest and how well you develop the head. It's all really one voice. However, tessitura is recognizable. You seem like more of a lyrics type; but I'm not great at classifying and don't care for it other than discussing dramatic, lyric...that sort of thing. It seems to help to understand the resonance of the singer; but honestly, all types have a time and a place.

  2. Awesome, even if you were recording in your car, probably on your cell phone. And finally, someone else besides MDEW and myself who ain't a'skeered to do country.

    I can't think of anything wrong to pick on and I think it was as good as previous covers by named artists. You really should get a decent track, record this for real and put it on an album or EP. Of course, you would have to pay a fee to ASCAP but that's just a business thing to deal with.

    Well that's about as good a compiment I can get, I wager. I am not a huge fan of country, but those Chicks really do make Dixie feel home to me... and the fact that I'm from South Carolina..but ok.

    Hey, Thanks!! I really appreciate it.

    Yeah- no filters, no effects, no nothing but an MP3 recorder and youtube playin on the BlueTooth.


  3. Yeah- I don't do the tongue trills, but lip bubbles instead. Not sure why I can't do tongue trills. I also can't whistle. BTW_ I love that rendition of the first motto. Plan to fail and you will fail....... It's just so true. Boy, does it ever get humiliating in the earlier learning years, but the only benefit that I see from a society who has no clue that singing *can* be taught and doesn't have to be born perfect is this.... in my mind.... that: when you just keep going... it's probably because you really let it come right back down to the music. It can get so simple as that and it still holds water. Keeping it there, keeps me from taking it too personal. I think otherwise, this entire journey would just be so heartbreaking. So many ppl hav no idea how much work these things can be for many if not most professionals. It's such a farse too. I know that Michael J. on tour would vocalize with Seth 3 times per day. I've done two years of level 1-3 SLS, some SS, MM, MV, and I watch lots of videos. I don't know which way is next; but I'm considering CVT (sando...) and in the meantime watching a lot of Roger Burnley. I welcome advice and thoughts. The open troat techniques I've picked up on my own and from a personal trainer at BM's studio who has taught it in actual class.... I may or may not be correct; but I get the impression that they reserve some information for actual lessons and that this is the reason that open throat is not presented in the self-taught materials for purchase. I respect that, but I know that for me switching up the techniques have started to actually work to my benefit.

    Adolf- Thanks Man.

  4. Anyone can give an opinion and it is neither good or bad. I never much liked Bruce Springsteen's voice. But he's the professional.

    Professional singers are out there recording albums and playing concerts, rather than hanging around in forums.

    Case-in-point, James Lugo, who has recorded with Nazareth, doesn't hang around much.

    One of our fellow members happens to be aquainted with James LaBrie but James is too busy to spend much time discussing singing in a forum.

    Not that there is anything wrong with discussing singing in a forum.

    Something I have learned is to not take offense at a critique. Though I have given critiques and suffered the consequences because I hurt someone's feelings and they would dog me for a year. Because people are human. So, now, I am accused of being too soft.

    To quote Ricky Nelson, "You can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself" - from his hit song, "Garden Party."

    (That's an old one. Adolph, Bob, and MDEW are likely the only ones to remember that. We are the "old" guys here.) :)

    I'm completely with you on the Springsteen issue!! There are others that I can barely tolerate as well and then I have my favorite voice (if not favorite..no, wait, terrible writers) like Sting!! That voice is just spot on, IMO. But not everyone writes like Billy Joel. The cool thing about Sting is that he still sounds so good with those arrangements despite the writing. It shows that ppl do really enjoy a jazzy tune and smooth-as-honey voice some days.

  5. I am 50 and all I have left is laughter. Sorry, Amy, us old guys taking some space in your thread. But, at our age, at least we know some good music and appreciate a good performance. Even if others provide some tech tips, and that is good, too, and you can use those, or not. See if it fits, if it doesn't fit.

    I LOVE IT!! :D :D :D And 50 is the new 29!! After watching the most recent Austin City Limits, I'm convinced that the older baby boomers are going strong and that their newer counterparts are benefitting from it by the option to work into much later years than in many generations before. I truely will listen to Willie Nelson as much today as I have in my past and I find it fascinating that the male voice, under proper care, can just last so well. He doesn't actually look much older either, though we all know he is. Heck, Christy Brinkley or Jennifer Annistan haven't moved even one year older in the last 20 years...... ha!

    So, somehow, I guess there are ways to be immortalized so that the career just keeps going and maybe even gets better. Again, ACL was AMAZING!! I loved it! :cool:


  6. Well, For one:

    I'm extremely grateful and complimented by all these comments. I don't usually get offended easily. So, please... keep em' comin'. No worries at all on any criticism, at ALL!

    I LOVE iT!! :D

    No seriously.

    I respect your comments Clint, ronws, MDEW, the Aspiring Singer, and everyone else! How COOL to have "met" you all!! I look forward to more of it! :)

    In that vein: while there are days that I really enjoy and appreciate that added praise. There are certainly those times I feel frustrated when I post in forums and get only positive answers or little actual critique of areas to improve. But what am I saying??? No, it's true. A true professional is, imo, someone who WORKS at the job.....everyday and isn't stopping so that they can get their ego stroked. I like the feel-good...but I don't stop at it because of criticism. To me, those are people who don't have the character to be equipped for the pro business, precisely because it HAS to include some bad and painful situations/awful reviews from time to time/much rejection. If you stop at that....it's not a business that will survive.

    My motos for music:

    1)If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

    2)Hope for the best, expect the worst.

    3)Do it all for the Glory and Enjoyment of something far greater and more important than myself.

    I don't do these everyday. I slip and fall. But these are still my motos for now. :) :cool:

    So to that end:

    1)The mouth thing is something that I somehow do different than others. I don't understand it actually and for what reasns. Part is training from a few ppl that are not in agreement with vowel modification if the megaphone is in place properly. Some is just that I need that small opening to connect sometimes. While I love the big "LAHs" for connection too, I don't yet have a place to use it other than in practicing. It's not part of my open mouth feel. I remember that some ppl will recognize it and thinks it's odd; but I don't really care. It's the german mouth that I got, from the Good Lord above. I will use it as well as I can.. cause it's mine and I like what I got. :) I address the big mouth singers because for some reason, there are ppl out there that think it's necessary. I don't but I am willing to hear others opinions. It's part of life and it's great to have other own opinions, cause God knows that I certainly have my own. :D;) For me, when I modify vowels too much, it can sometimes cause my connection to fail altogether. I assume it's because of my deep desire to keep both upper and lower resonances singing along and I'm focusing on that mostly......with whatever oriface that it takes, but it just works this way for me. Also that concentration is because, I personally hate to flip and pull too much; but boy it's nice to hear MDEW and others here.... that when I did, that it may have sounded pretty well afterall.

    2) I do know that getting more training will mean more styles of getting to the same end results, with other techniques....and maybe that will be prettier; but for now, this mouthpiece will have to do it's thing. :lol:

    3) I have to apologize that my microphone was just not turned down on the input better so you can hear those upper belts and moderate to loud mixes with more clarity. I will post soon.

    Adolf- I tried to do as ronws here suggest and get added to the media site for a feature??? I have no clue what that means; but ok! :)


    Now- please criticize or encourage more! :) I welcome new friends too!!!


    Vr and Sincerely- Amy Elizabeth

  7. What's wrong with singing while washing dishes? ;)

    There have been times where I could not record a song right to save my life. So, I stop and do the dishes and run through the song and nail it, spot-on, then curse because I couldn't do that before.

    Lovely voice. Don't worry about the width of your mouth. We can't all have alligator lips like Steven Tyler. Though I used to have hair longer than his.

    In the singing, I could hear the emotion. Even if you could not do an enactment worthy of Broadway in the corner of whatever room you were in. And most guys here are sitting at their desk with a mic on a boom and cans on their ears. So, I wouldn't worry about how you were emoting. In fact, really, you had the right demeanor for a torch song, like this. Like a modern Sarah Vaughan, who also didn't have a lot of "stage craft." And didn't need it because she knocked everyone back with that voice.

    In fact, I think you have the right voice to cover stuff by her, Billie Holiday, even modern stuff such as the big hits from Barbara. You know which Barbara I am talking about, I bet.

    Keep making videos. This one is okay, considering the grainy texture. Nevertheless, get in touch with our admin, Adolph and he can help you get this and future videos of yours featured on the media site. If you are not already on the media site, it is not difficult to get there. It's like facebook for singers. It just takes an email addy and a password, of your choosing, just like you did for this forum.

    And you could set up the lay-out of your page how you want to.

    There's times I thought of making a video, even with my phone. However, my dog, in my avatar, is prettier than I am. But I am having the hardest time training him to lip-synch to my stuff. And I actually know how to train a dog. :lol:

    Anyway, well done and glad to have you here.

    Adolph, you can find his name below or on the index page. click on something there and tell him you want to get in the media site.

    Hey Hey, ronws!!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, Man! This is really encouraging for me!!

    You seem like tons of fun!! It's a pleasure to meet you!

    Sincerely- AE

    YAYYY!!! :D:D:D

  8. I'm pretty well behind on the learning how to put emotion in.... I've been so long at the teaching level of things... as in being taught how to connect, work on tone and now dynamics with vibrato...that I often forget that there's this whole other world of vocal coaching where connecting with the song allows for ways to vocally interpret. I look forward to that. Lord knows I've been trying to stay out of pulling/flipping for long enough!! Ready to move forward. Whew!!

  9. Yeah- I think I should have just done an MP3. Ha!! No worries about the tempo. It's VERY slow. Eva Cassidy did it this way and I'm no EvaRethrA!! :)

    SO.... the mouth thing. What's the deal? Because I see people with wide mouths who are great singers. Are there any of us small mouths out there in the pro world?? I'm actually serious. I don't want surgery, but Man. Is there something to that? Yeah- My megaphone and range is huge. Hahahah!! but in a "tiny little package" as per Robin Williams. :D

    Cool about not noticing the falsy. The attack was lacking in preparation mentally. My next step is vibrato crescendo and decrescendos to get that dynamic control better. I'd really like to work more of the mezzo and dynamic movement. I have a voice crush on Eva's voice due to this major gift of hers to work those textures and volumes.

    Thank YOU for you critique!!

    - AE

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