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Posts posted by NewAtThisHelpMePlease

  1. I am a beginner at this but not at listening to music, and I can tell you that I really liked what I just listened to. You might not have the best voice but that doesn't matter, you sing very, very well. I wish I could hear you sing louder or force your voice a little more but still... If you recorded an album I could totally listen to it for a good while.

    Next time you should give it a try with a Guy Clark song, I would love yo hear that :)

  2. So here's the thing, I have been playing guitar for a while now but never really had what it took to try to sing, aside from humming a little while playing...

    Yesterday I decided to try and I want to know your honest opinion, I want to know:

    1.- Do I suck really bad? I know I just started and I need to practice and all that but... Is it as bad as those people in american idol castings and stuff like that that they don't know they sing bad but they suck and they all laugh at them? Would people laugh at me if I sang in front of them?

    2.- Do you think I could improve? Should I sing higher, lower... That's kinda my normal voice, do people normally sing higher or lower than their normal voice?

    Thank you very much!!

    Here's the recording:


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