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Eugene Steficek

TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Eugene Steficek

  1. On the cruise I had to sing "here I go again" by whitesnake and "pride" for 80s night, if my placement wanted to work it'd be fine but sometimes it wwouldn't be spot on placement - wise and it would bug me. Especially singing "in the Naaaaaaame of love, whaaaat more in the name of love" all on a high b. That was always a fear of cracking on the b, so instead I'd sing a high e flat to hook in before the high b" I guess all I'm trying to say is that it was very vocally fatiguing and it forced me to reevaluate my technique all the time, and that I CAN'T sing any and every genre of music

  2. Thank you for the feedback. I made this video a few months before the cruise contract. Thanks for the 3 to 4 note idea it'd be nice to sit down and figure that out because I have a tendency for jumping octaves and singing at the extreme high end of my voice (thanks Steve Perry) I hated the cruise gig because it's not a gig for singers if you take singing seriously. 6 nights a week all songs in original key (stevie wonder, journey, al green, Michael Jackson etc) my voice became tired and my upper passagio became hit or miss so I would sing higher. For instance if the song had a lot of A4' I'd take the melody up a third and sing high C#s and D's just to stay out of my tired area. I think the higher/lighter your placement the better. But either way technique can only do so much after you've been working out the voice every single nnight.the job was like taking a Cadillac(your voice) and treating it like a jeep wrangler

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