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Posts posted by canising

  1. To put it simply I do not think I can sing. However, my family does and well compared to them I'm a rock star. Nonetheless I'm pretty sure I suck. If you recognize my voice and know me IRL please don't approach me that would embarrass the heck outta me. 


    All of these are fall out boy songs because they seem to be the easiest for me to master. (I know not considered easy singing) 

    I couldn't find in the rules where it said I couldn't use the original song so I did with my singing. If that's against the rules I'm sorry. I claim fair use because I do not want a profit off of these. 


    Uma Thurman



    thnks fr th mmrs




    EDIT- Note I'm NOT looking for recording advice! I know it is terrible. The mic itself is pretty bad. I simply want to be judged on the singing. 

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