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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by simba

  1. Well some parts I would say to practice in terms of pronunciation, of the ones that stuck out, would be the TH sound and the P at the end of slip (the punch sound of it). I'm currently teaching English in asia and they have similar problems with words like that, as well of Fs. I'm sure it'll be hard to improve pronunciation, but I'm sure you can manage! Not trying to seem harsh, just trying to help you out :)! Good luck! Also, one of my favorite bands (before he made twin forks).

  2. Hey, so I'm just trying to work on singing to go with my guitar playing. Maybe it's just that whole phenomenon where most people don't like their own voice, but I'm not digging my singing that much. So I thought I'd post it up here to see what others thought/for advice. Guitar's in drop half tuning. The more brutally honest the better ;) Because I plan to work exceptionally hard to improve and mean comments only give me more motivation and makes me more dedicated!

    2 take 2

    PS. I hope to continue using these forums! Been reading them for a while now.

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