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Posts posted by Morrigan

  1. Thanks for that voice recording, Killerku. I'm really grateful.

    I tried that just now, and I totally get what you're saying. It's about vocal clarity.

    Never really thought about that, I got in this rut of singing like I smoke 80 a day (I don't even smoke). I sort of like the heavy smoky tone though, but it's perhaps not as audibly pleasant to others as it could be.

    I'm not afraid of high notes either. I have hit a C6 before ;)

    Anyhow I ought to try singing more clearly/try something different and record the result.

  2. Hey, thanks :)

    I know my vocal tone is imbalanced and its almost like two different voices. I think what you said about lightening lows and weighting highs is exactly what I need.

    I do sing all kinds of songs, and I did develop a technique specifically for singing goth rock where I can force my voice down really low, but, conversely, I also have tried to sing very high as well (trust me, you DON'T want to hear any of those recordings xD).

    That Chili Peppers cover, really, I think I was trying far too hard to imitate Anthony Keidis. It reflects that I guess. Whereas that jazz, I had a laugh.

    I'd like to explore my voice more, and yes, I know what you mean, I certainly find some things more natural for me to sing along to than others.


  3. Thanks for the advice, I have been accused of being flat, so I will try that out.

    I haven't had one-on-one lessons, but I have been in choirs (I was made to sing tenor lol)

    My chest voice actually sounds a lot deeper when I project it 0.o but my high notes have a different quality. I have a big vocal range; not so great quality at both ends however, but I attempt to sing along to everything from bass to soprano with varying results ;) 

    The muffling could also be my bad recording device or the fact I was tired (I record late since I work late).

    My friend has been prodding me to sing jazz, although it's cliché for a contralto voice... I do think this song does me more justice; at least I really got into it (it was in some movie that I watched with my friend and started singing along to so I decided to find the full version) I only attempted it a few times so it's not fantastic:


    I'm interested in taking on-line lessons because of the hours of my job. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of free time at the moment to practice either, but I would love too especially since my friend is musically creative too, and we have thought to start a group.


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