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Posts posted by sher179

  1. 3 hours ago, Gsoul82 said:

    I can't comment on your singing unless you've purchased a Review My Singing Plan, but about that part where you said you would not send the teachers anything new until you could sing decently enough, how do you plan to achieve such a level of efficiency? 

    Sure, you could keep singing and eventually, it will sound better, but who knows how long that kind of approach could take? If you're as serious as you sound, you'll want to pinpoint the obstacles that are standing between you and the voice you want and decimate them. For that, you should be seeing a teacher regularly. Weekly, if you can.

    Setting constraints like that for yourself when you're just learning about something can cause problems. It's just like I told somebody the other day. They want to develop an iOS app with all the bells and whistles on it but they hadn't programmed anything in their life. They wanted to set timelines for certain parts to be finished. How do you know how long it will take you to do something when you're just learning about the subject?


    Better to have somebody lead you closely through things. Much more likely to happen as quickly as possible and you'll have more confidence.

    Lol I never said I wouldn't send "teachers" anything. As I've mentioned above I'm seeing a vocal coach and have been doing so for the last couple of weeks. I said I wouldn't send my mentors (guys in the music industry) any singing clips, until I feel I've made progress with my lessons etc. I actually never specified a time that I would be sending in that clip to my mentors either. But thanks for the advice. And when I set out to do something, I do it. I needed to learn the guitar to make the songs I had playing in my head so within 8 months I taught myself and have been playing ever since. Thanks again though. I thought this forum was for a more broad musical community, too bad. 

  2. 7 hours ago, ronws said:

    Welcome, David. Just a side question. Does everyone in Yukon have crazy spiked white hair as good-looking as yours or is it just you? If so, who is your stylist because that guy or gal is a genius.

    There are a number of singer training programs, chief among them being the 4 Pillars of Singing, available through this forum thanks to our benefactor and author of 4 Pillars, Robert Lunte, who also gives personal lessons in whatever fashion. In person at his studio in Seattle, WA, USA or via skype.

    Certainly there are a number of us amateur (unpaid) singers but really, you should consult a professional voice teacher when given a chance.

    Thanks! I already have a professional voice teacher I'm seeing and taking lessons fro  as I mentioned above :3. Just thought it would be cool to get some singers opinions. 


  3. Hey everyone! 

    My name is David and I'm from a small town in the Yukon, Canada. The town I'm in is about 400 people and doesn't have much of a musical scene so I thought I'd check out this site :). So ever since 2014 I've been getting mentored by a songwriting/production group in the music industry. They've worked with everyone from Maroon 5 to Fifth Harmony (most recently). It all happened after I reached out to them with my lyrics. They immediately took me on and in these two years I've worked on honing in my lyrical and melodic abilities and even taught myself how to play the guitar (within this last year). The last part of this puzzle is singing. I've always felt this fire deep in me ever since I was young. But I was too scared to try out singing in front of teachers until recently. So within the last 2 months I've gone to about 3 or 4 online singing lessons, which I've been feeling pretty great about. I made a promise to myself that before I email these guys something new, it'll be when I can sing decently enough to intrigue them. I know I have it in me. Aside from this introduction  (I hope I'm posting in the right place). I'd love to get some feedback and tips and even more than that after I share some videos here. I see that this community has some vocal coaches, so it would be awesome to hear from everyone. Singers and teachers alike! 

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