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Posts posted by jerek

  1. 57 minutes ago, The Future Vocalist said:

    For someone that hasn't been singing you did a decent job though I'm going to be honest with you as a fan of Kamelot myself you need to work on your tonality if you are going to do a good cover of any Kamelot song(Khan's and Tommy's era). That means get that rich smooth tone and pitch that Khan and Tommy is known for and 'I do believe Robert that owns this site and has a vocal program called 4 Pillars Of Singing plus lessons personally can get you that rich tone to handle Kamelot songs.

    Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it! Both Roy Khan and Tommy Karevik are phenomenal singers and even trying to pull off some of their stuff is really challenging at least for me, haha. I am currently taking voice lessons weekly and it has already helped me with my register changes quite a bit. I used to take classical lessons many years ago and my vocal coach said I was a bass-baritone and only made me sing stuff that didn't feel that natural to me.

  2. Hey guys,

    New here! Haven't been singing that long, been mostly playing guitar until a couple of years ago I started to work on my vocals as well and now it's something that interests me even more than the guitar which I have played for over 15 years. I wanted to get some feedback on my signing. I bought the new Kamelot album and it has some really nice songs so here's my most recent cover. Any kind of feedback, advice or criticism would be very helpful!

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