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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey! My best friend recently asked me to sing for her so I recorded myself and sent it to her. I've always thought I was a terrible singer but she actually liked it and so did her girlfriend. I sent it to another one of my friends and she liked it too but I'm reluctant to trust them to tell me if I'm any good since they're all biased. I'm not really serious about singing, just curious mostly. So... yeah, that's it. I'd appreciate you taking the time to listen and tell me what you think. Here's my recording on YouTube:http://youtu.be/mGo9TgUaf8A

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Your pitch is wandering a lot and you're kindof speaking/mumbling almost as much as singing. It's not what people would generally consider skilled singing.


It's great your friends like to hear you and are hopefully supporting you in a positive way, but you're right, they are biased because it's not typically what people would listen for in singing. But you did come to the right place, if you hang around here for awhile, you can train and improve a whole lot.


You'd want to train with pitching exercises (singing along and matching pitches to an instrument would be a good start) and just some of the fundamentals of singing in general (breath control, support, etc) It's great your friends support you and like to hear you, but don't go on American Idol yet, you know what I mean.


Do hang around though. Cause why not improve. What would be even more interesting is if one day you sent your friend another track after you'd trained and they could hear the difference. It would probably blow their minds and it is possible if you're interested.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Ja, that's pretty much exactly what I expected to hear. When they actually liked it I thought "Maybe I'm the one who's biased for once' but nein, I'm relatively objective as always. I appreciate your suggestions but I don't really have the time or the motivation to learn to sing. Thanks for going to the trouble to listen and reply

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