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A homemade tea for lubing the voice

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I have a great tea that I have developed through trial and error. It works really well for keeping the voice lubed and warming it up.

Dave Heagle's Tea recipe:

any de-caf tea will work

1 tea bag,8-10 0z. of hot water, let steep

1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark powder

1 teaspoon of honey

mix very throughly and repeat mixing periodically, it tends to settle in the bottom and needs a quick jazzin up.

I prefer mine really hot but be careful that you don't go overboard and burn yourself.I usually drink 1 full container before a gig and keep warm water handy throughout the performance.

Slippery elm affects everyone differently so do your research before using this mixture. You will most notably notice a difference in your bowel movements,so go easy till you determine what your body can handle.



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