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Amazing Opportunity to Step Up

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Hi friends and music artists,

Do you ever wonder if your music will get out there in a big way? Do you long for the right guidance and support that won't make you sell your soul and will honor your artistry?

I know just how you feel.

I've been an artist all of my life.

I debuted my record at Carnegie Hall.

I've been signed, honored, and sold over 15,000 records. And to some of you that may sound small - but to me and my fans it was (and still is) big.

And - I'm on both sides of the industry. I am also a vocal coach and artist development expert who helps artists navigate the industry and create successful careers.

So I just thought you might like to check out this video I just made at my studio in New York.. It's a great opportunity for artists like you to Step Up.

AND - you want to know a really cool thing?

An artist from TMV and I connected and I helped her win a major contest with 25 music industry folks judging. Isn't that cool?

Here's the vid.. and when you're done watching that -- email me and I'll send you a copy of the latest teleseminar I did with the TMV artist's story!


in love and support - all ways..

Cari Cole



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