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Ear Problems and the Eustacian Tube

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I AM NOT a physician or otherwise, but often have repetitive problems with "ear problems", particularly during the winter months, or those times of the year when allergies are running rampant. This is a technique taught to me by my chiropractor, (who is excellent by the way), and has worked wonders for me on a number of occasions. It has helped me significantly with clearing the EUSTACHIAN TUBE :

"Grasp the ear lobe, and pull out, back, and down, all at a 45-degree angle. While holding it in that position, breathe in, swallow, then breathe out. Do this several times. It drains everything down the throat. It takes some time to get used to the sequence and timing, but you'll get it down in no time. It's still effective if you go through it slowly, at first. I can "whip" right through it, and so will you after some practice.

A second technique: Just behind the chin, there's the Hyoi bone. (The only bone in the body not articulated to another bone, and which supports the tongue). GENTLY apply some pressure with a couple fingers, and slide it over sideways, at the same time, breathe in through your nose. Hold it in place, and breathe out. Then swallow. Then work it from the other side the same way.

Gargle afterwards (if you wish) with peroxide, in the event there's any bacteria in the drainage, to prevent any other problems. (Yeah, I know) The peroxide doesn't leave a very good taste....(Don't swallow the peroxide).

Final tip: Place you hand over you ear (I do both ears) and lie down on it for a few moments.

When you get up, you'll feel a "suction" type feeling as you remove your hand from the ear. It will also help to drain the eustacian tube."

Hope this helps you as much as it does me...



Adolph C. Namlik

Executive Director, The Modern Vocalist World

Edited : 11 September 2013


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