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Posts posted by jonpall

  1. Hi guys! It would be cool to hear what you think of my singing here:


    This is a live recording of me singing with my band during rehearsals. I'm using a dynamic mic so I'm sure that if I'd used a condenser and comped the vocal track, it would have sounded better.

    What do you think of my singing here and what do you think people in general will think? I'm not absolutely sure if the vocals are good enough so I'd like to hear your opinions. I've got a thick skin for this so just tell me how you really feel about this, bad or good.

    Have a nice day!


  2. Hi breakin! I think it's pretty simple, if you have the cvt book, try to sing an entire song below your passagio and sing it mostly in overdrive, but some neutral and curbing maybe here and there for added dynamics. Then post it here. What you're missing on that track of yours to have a more solid chest voice is to increase your volume a bit and sing while holding your breath (being even slightly breathy robs you of power). I don't mean that you should sing as loud as you can - but a bit louder. Try that to start off with, post it here and see where it takes you. That's what I would suggest. I'm sure you'll nail it out of the park after just a few tries. Have a nice day!

  3. I pretty much agree with Felipe (I tend to do that, it seems), that you're lacking in the technique department. You seem to have an ear for melody so that's a good thing, since you will already have a head start on many people who don't. But your lack of technique is affecting not only your range and high notes, but your tone and pitch on the low notes as well. Doing some vocal training will help you with that and, like Felipe, I really suggest that you develop a fairly solid CHEST voice before you start working on your high notes all the time. You can do it and you have the potential, man! Cheers!

  4. I actually started headbanging when I heard Jugulator's Helloween cover :) I'd never heard the song and I've listened to very little from Helloween. devaitis, I think it's just Jugulator's style in this song that's not your cup of tea. It has that Geoff Tate sound, I think. My guess is that you'd like it better if he were to add a slight cry/hold to his notes in the passagio and higher - and I might dig it more if he'd put some distortion, right? lol. But nevertheless I really liked that take. It was fun to listed and watch. Meeeetal maaan!! ;)

  5. Hi,

    I recommend the reading of this post;


    Take in whats been said by All, JonPall has plenty of experience with these songs...

    Also ... I recommend having a skype with JP, I think he'll free you up a bit and have you singing with better clarity. It'll also be good for JP having a coaching lesson (if he's up for it :) ) ... p.s. love to listen in.


    I just posted on that thread. Thanks, Stewart. Olem, IMO, you should just work on your pitch as the next step for you. You have loads of talent but you need to improve your pitch. Cheers!

  6. Loved that Kotzen cover of yours. The main difference between you and Richie is the hat, IMO. Seriously, I think you did a great job and were using very similar techniques. And that guitar playing was simply WORLD CLASS, man! :) . You see, my name's Jon and I'm a shredder too. I've been shredding for many many years and trying my best to play at regular speed. Everyone say "Hi, Jon!". Ok, I'll sit down now.

    Here's some of my shredding and guitar playing in case anyone is interested:

    (A Steve Vai cover. Sorry about the audio quality) and http://www.box.net/shared/ikyndtkuix (better quality, original instrumental tune with 2 solos). I know that there are more "shredders" on this forum that few know can really wail, so it would be cool to hear some of your playing too :)
  7. Here I cheated slightly. Well, maybe not exactly, because this is what is done all the time in studios. I noticed that there were two places in particular that REALLY bugged me, so I did a little "punching in" and re-did those two places. Those two places are actually just a few words, so there is very little change. Anyway, so here is the slightly improved version:


    Note that I'm deliberately having constant rasp and not just every now and then, just for the sake of practising rasp. Personally, if it were my own original song, I'd use it more sparingly. Just wanted to let you know that :)

  8. I'm only really interested in the part after 2:24, lol, where he repeats "On a Valentine's Day" a million times

    To sing like that you definitely don't need to twang as much as you're doing in those clips of yours. That's just standard overdrive, below the passagio. Can ty record yourself attemping that line?

    Also, I think that if you want to work on just twang, try neutral instead of overdrive. Much easier, I think. Much less things you have to think about. But if you want to work on twang with very loud volume in overdrive going to either edge or MLN (and with bit darker sound colour than you're doing), you try one of Jamie Vendera's full voice sirens exercises, like I'm doing here: http://www.box.net/shared/ulyiyrr3sr

  9. Have you tried letting those high notes resonate more from your head than the lower notes? Sounds like your doing the classic "pulling chest". I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for here. Do you f.ex. have a song that you'd like to sing or sing something similar to? Around G4 or even lower, for men, it starts to become a good idea to switch from overdrive to a different mode (CVT) as you go up in pitch.

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