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Posts posted by SLM

  1. Really good. Sounds like it should be on the radio.

    Edited to add:

    Not say that I am a good singer. But there are times when I have put up a song that never received one comment in the first run.

    And others that received one comment from the one or two other members that will admit to a passing aquaintance with some top 20 country songs. No, I am not a country singer but I do like some country songs. Then, again, I am an outlaw and evidently, I cannot be typed, even by mysef. I used to describe myself as a rock singer but that is not accurate. It seems I took too well the advice of a classical coach who helped me. He said, just be a singer, not a particular genre, so to speak. And the best singers I have liked would be able to sing whatever genre pleased them.

    So, especially as we all have busy lives, don't worry if a thread didn't get much attention to start. I mean, I could blame it on you for NOT doing the umpteenth cover of "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden. Now, that would get attention. Heavy Metal covers always get attention, here.

    That's just the way that it is. I have done a few covers by Dan Fogelberg, a singer-songwriter guy. And get one or two comments and let it go at that. Because I have at least reached an "audience" that appreciated it. And who is that guy? Most people only know him for the one song that got radio play everywhere.

    "Same Old Lang Syne." At least for people my age, anyway. And yes, I am an old guy.

    Thank you for the awesome comment and the heads-up on how things work around here! (I'm going to be honest, I have never heard of him...)

    For those interested here is my YouTube vid for this cover! The best thing you guys can do is SHARE IT, thanks for your support!

  2. Flawless man, nothing more to say. I'm surprised no one commented on this top-notch performance... You had some of the hardest phrases to swell the mixed/full voice on and you just nailed it!

    Wow thank you man. Yeah I have been working recently on getting strong cord closure to be able to swell into a full mix like that, thanks to my great vocal coach!

  3. Good job.

    A technical point for recording. Something I learned and it helped me. When monitoring with headphones, they have what is called a "near-field" effect. as if you had near field monitors right next to you. what happens is bass tones in the accompanying music become more prominent. And this tends to pull you down because your parasympathetic nervous system is doing exactly what it is designed to do, matching your pitch to what you hear. So, if you are hearing too much bass, your voice will pull down to match. The easiest fix is to sweeten the treble of the mix while you are singing. Later, you can balance bass and treble mix back to something more suitable.

    Before I got my m-track interface, the easiest way for me to avoid dropping pitch was to pull one (left) ear off, pan hard right and make it a little trebly.

    I am definitely going to implement the treble suggestion next time I record! thanks ron.

    @aspiring singer: I thought it sounded great. I am going to echo the previous comments about pitch but it would be hard for anyone to stay in pitch with headphones in without really getting to hear yourself.

    You really have amazing control of your voice and a very sweet tone.

  4. Try to open your mouth a bit more vertically while singing. What I mean by that is that you don't want to let your mouth go wide but you need to enunciate your words more which will get more jaw movement as you are singing.

    @ron: He actually did not do the auto-tuned harmonies at the end, that is part of the recorded karaoke track and in fact John legend uses that same effect in his original version as well.

  5. I think what Lucca was referring to and what I hear in this clip as well is uneven phrasing. You need to smooth out the phrasing of the song. What I mean by good phrasing is not making it so choppy and staccato and thinking of making it more smooth and Legato.

    With that being said, you are doing a lot of things right here. I love the runs you sang, a couple of them were unexpected because you move out of the key of the song but still make it work. You're no delineation is amazing in the runs. I would also agree that your tone is very nice.

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