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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by Jeran

  1. This is a really great vocal. Much more "metal" than Freddie's version, but no less emotional. Great job, and it's one of my favorite of Freddie's piano ballads, too. Now you just need to get in touch with Brian May and get to him to add his parts on there.
  2. You've definitely got potential. You're young, and have plenty of time to improve and really perfect your sound. Definitely try and find time to devote to a singing practice, be it lessons with a teacher, or a home DVD/CD type deal. You can't improve without practice. You do have some pitch issues, and as is normal for pretty much everyone, you're weaker the higher you go, but this can be corrected through training. Keep at it, you've got a good tone and are marketable, so if that's your desire, all it'll take is some hard work. Good luck, Man.
  3. I think you sound fantastic, and this is a really great acoustic version. I'm very impressed,
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