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Posts posted by staticsound

  1. Thanks guys!...I'm always leery about covering anything Cornell does. Mainly just because I hear "his" voice in my head and it never sounds right to me, lol.

    But yeah, like you guys said...I was more or less trying to capture the feeling of the tune. This is way OT, but my 13yr old lab died Wednesday, and for some reason Like a Stone kinda felt fitting. I know it's not about his dog dying, but it related to how I was feeling...

    Thanks again, and @skynight - that's me on guitar too.

  2. I think you should definitely include this in your set. Your tone, minus distortion is just a shade lighter than Layne Staley, which is fine. But it sounded close enough to the original that I had to listen really, really hard to make sure you hadn't just given us a rip off the cd.

    Thanks man! That's a huuuge compliment to me, being that Layne is who inspired me to start singing. I know what you mean about my tone being a little lighter, I've been experimenting with trying to get a darker tone, but I haven't been able to accomplish it yet...damn genetics, lol

  3. yeas great performance!

    But for me Layne Stanley and Chris Cornell screams are not "chesty" screams ;-). Listen to some accapela of Cornell on youtbe, jesus christ pose for example. Sometimes when he sing high notes you can clearly hear that the notes are starting from or falling back into head voice ;-)

    But you're really close to it. And honestly as i said before i also really like your style of rasp. Different but really cool!

    Cool, thanks man! True about Cornell, he's got that very strong head tone. But if my ears aren't deceiving me, he's got that "rattle" effect going on as well. It's weird, I can do it easy in a lower pitch around maybe an F3 and take it up to almost middle C, but after that I lose it and go into that fry effect. Guess that's what practice is for, lol.

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