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Posts posted by Validar

  1. Holy Toledo. I am blown away. Covering Type O Negative songs is a deceptively challenging task, and you pulled it off amazingly. Absolutely top notch.

    I've been a huge Type O Negative fan for many years, and Pete's death was so unexpected and devastating. I thought for sure it was another of his infamous pranks, but sadly, it wasn't.

    "October Rust is a spellbinding album with some of the strongest lows I have heard."

    Indeed. One of the most atmospheric albums ever. Just brilliant all around. And my God, the lows in "Haunted". I think they could measure on the Richter scale.

  2. The first time I saw the movie, I was disappointed because I was expecting the big "Dirty Harry" finale where he would take out the entire gang.

    The second time I saw it, it struck me a different way. It still sucked to see Clint go out the way he did, but knowing some good came out of it was nice. It may have also been Clint's way of saying goodbye to the "Dirty Harry" style films. Or I could just be over-analyzing. :P

    But yes, your tone completely fits this song. I did sense the few points where you seemed to be lost. I would just listen to the song over and over until it's so deeply embedded in your mind that it will flow as effortlessly as singing the alphabet.

    Definitely keep at it. This is such a melodically beautiful song.

  3. It seems like it's not uncommon for other performers to do Neil's songs better than he does himself. He has some great songs, but I've never quite warmed up to his voice itself.

    But yes, give it another go with a better camera. It sounds like you've got yourself a winner.

    Another Neil song you might want to try is "After The Gold Rush". Melodically, it's simply beautiful. I prefer to do it a step and a half down from the original key of D, which K.D. Lang has done, as well. But, of course, you can experiment with the keys to find what's most suitable for you.

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