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Posts posted by bb

  1. ok - I can seem to get the singer's formant boost... I think... based on Steve's interesting advice

    This short clip has me trying to shift to a non-honk (clip is about 20 seconds)


    It seems effortless to keep it going, but I'm not convinced of the pleasantness of the tone, perhaps because the 6-8th harmonics are so low (I can't figure out how to get them up yet).

    I was curious how the tone sounds to other ears if you get a chance. Fundamental is about 180hz - about an F#3

    Here's the spectrogram towards the end

  2. thanks for the comments, folks!

    Yeah, I included the full mix because the single track - which is the "bare" thing I was throwing out there to get some feedback on - is rough, imo. It's amazing to me how much all those layers help to my ears.

    btw - Hear you on the extra bass and drums. There's an upright being played on it, but I had it back in the mix. I am intimidated by percussion, but want to start trying to use some.

    I also hear you on NOT using unison layers on the verses. I've heard that comment several times lately. The layers obscure character and emotion. That's where I want to go in general, but I want to also improve my voice enough not to cringe when I do that... so I'm trying to see if I can learn to make use of formants and whatever interesting else there is I can do.

    thanks again - and any tips on what I should be trying in order to improve my particular voice are appreciated

  3. ok - lately I've been recording stuff with many many many vocal tracks to smooth it out. Attached is one part of ONE track and I would appreciate any comments on how to improve it as to tone, etc. I am mainly interested in improving my voice to record my own stuff for demos/sketches, and as a personal challenge.

    one chorus (first one of song), single vocal track:


    the full mix, which has a bunch of vocal layers:


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